hmm if you don't like overly packed do you have a local independent cinema you could go to?
Yeah it's opening night is tonight over here. So I am doubting we will go see it. Not a big fan of overly packed theaters.
oh you should check out watchmen cause it's just come out over here, looks pretty sweet. Aww that sounds like a good enough excuse to get drunk "a few friends over"
Damn your lucky, had to wait until I was 21 to drink leagily haha. So far we are going out to eat tonight, then to the bar and then might go catch a flick. Not sure what is playing tonight though. But for tomorrow night we are looking at possibly having a few people over for some drinks.
awww bless! That's well nice, having a big birthday bash? haha good thanks, my 18th pretty soon! LEGAL for everything, and massive excuse to get really drunk
Thanks, from you I will glady accept those points heh. Been doing good, trying to plan out what to do for the wifes b-day. How have you been?
I LOVE umbrella, you can have +10 cool points and my respect =] Haven't spoke to you in a bit, how are you?
Oh and I'm about the check the digest now!
Well I got his complete works which included Justine in it for about £10 off amazon so you should be able to buy it off the internet! If you don't have an amazon account you could just try your local bookstore, even if they don't stock it they would probably be able buy it in for you. And I don't think it would be uncensored as such so you should be ok, I think it's only banned in Australia, Germany and some obscure eastern european places
Did you see that the new digest is up?
I finally read the Justine Wiki that you refered me to, that book sounds really good but also really horrible at the same time. I am curious as to if I can find a copy here in the states that is unsencored.
come on msn We haven't spoke in a bit.
We actually have a buddy that is an artist, so he brought his equipment here and did them here at the house, my friend D had a tribute to her dad that was previously done by someone else (not very good) and he touched it up and added alot more detail to it and added a background she got that done on her foot. I was going to get my last name down the back of my left arm but seeing it was so late I took a rain check for next time.
Oh wow that sounds really fun! Where abouts did you get your tatooes done, and what are they?
Not trying to relax a little bit before my son comes back home. We where up late last night partying with friends, couple of friends got some new tattoos done by the time it came around for mine it was almost 4 am so we called it a night.