Huh? You gave me challanges? Where? I didn't know !!!
So how goes the CPC8 challenges?
Woohoo ! Really glad to hear that
So far things are looking well for you and CPC8, you have some pretty good recomendations from people (including myself). We will try and get something put together this week for you.
Hiya ! My original username was Ultima_Luka but then I changed it into Shadow of Darkness
Hey whats up bro, just giving you the heads up. We are still reveiwing your request for CPC8. What all user names have you used in the past?
All the requirements are listed in the OP of this thread . More then likely your application would be up for debate between Rocky and myself seeing you are back from a long hiatus of inactivity. But then again who knows, Rocky and I are partial to older members and understand disappearances..
Hey Meier Link! I would ask you if there is something specified to do or have to be accepted in the "Crao Porr Cock8" club?