Conversation Between Ralz and Rhaps

73 Visitor Messages

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  1. They're coming to take me away?
  2. Yoooooouuuuu saaaaaawwwww nothiiiiiiing......
  3. Er... ok? lol
  4. Its nothing special. Pretend you never saw it, as it really is just a pointless thing used for the bleck of it.
  5. Oh lol interesting
    I saw VMM and I think Fate has it with their title too and I thought it was a CoC fad I missed
  6. Just an abbreviation for the usernames of everyone in a clan of nothing. It really means nothing at all. F = Fate, A = Alther Primus, V = ViviMasterMage, R = Ralz, I = Insufficient Mage, K = Kilala
  7. Er.... What's FAVRIK?
  8. I made a possible battle theme, Elyon wants you to hear it, but I has no way to get the file to ye
  9. I know you're busy, but I saved you a place in Red Leather and have made an RP in it, so if you would like to stay in it, would you post somewhere? Otherwise, you can say you don't want to be in it anymore
  10. I know you've been rather pre-occupied ith CoC, but don't forget about Red Leather lol
    I updated the ranks and now it's organized and tracked, you and I are currently the highest levels
  11. Explain how Zack got his way with Sephy last year? lol
    and I was referring to Crisis Core in my post
  12. *takes*

    Now I can pay for that candy bar! Thanks!

    You get the Ralz SEAL OF APPROVAL. *thumbs up*
  13. 500 gil birthday present for joo!
    (sorry, it's all I can give :3)
  14. Some things have to be discussed before we can even proceed with that. I'll get back to you when we can move in a solid direction.
  15. I'll help with the storyline
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 73
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