Conversation Between Ralz and Insufficient Mage

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  1. Its when you have blue hair!
    Did they all play Halo and Call of Duty? ^ ^ Yeeaaahh I'd imagine so too, though making a portal device would be awesome... It'd be pretty cool to make all the crystals representing each game from Dissidia too, some of those shapes wouldn't be difficult. I don't know what you'd do with all of 'em after though. I'd keep them in a treasure chest!
    Yeah! That moment when Matsuda shot him and Light starts losing it was so satisfying! And that's coming from a Light fan. xD Even if Misa didn't commit suicide, she'd not have much longer to live I'd imagine.
    Oh, good point. Well, more games need a significantly more responsible Jiminy. =P That's what's nice about games like FFX, they're pretty straightforward so its near impossible to get lost. Though I do like freedom in a game, I feel its nice to have restrictions so as not to get overwhelmed, and lost. xD Agreed, blobs should increase.
    Was X your favorite FF (aside from XIII)? I can't choose between IX, X and XII.
    And then she proceeds to break her arms, and later in the evening she breaks her legs. Not to mention she's not even a full person! What a life. And lmao, he'd probably consider that a demotion from his previous role, but I think it suits him better. ^ ^
    You're gonna go to jail.
  2. I don't know about that one...
    At least they never talk about it, and its rare to find anyone who plays anything interesting. Companion cube. xD I imagine the portal device would be difficult to make...
    I think I saw it. Then again, I've seen a lot of vids with jokes towards Mello's love of chocolate. I did feel some sort of sympathy towards him at the end, but for the most part, I was rooting for L to get him because of some of his more bastard moves. When it reached the end, I'm like "they gotta stop this guy." Seeing Matsuda rip him a new one was strangely satisfying, though. xD Though different, both the manga and anime end the same, with Ryuk writing down Light's name. Now that I think on it, I did like the anime one better. It even had the right music and everything. It somewhat salvaged the ending. And it was nice seeing L somehow winning in the end, anyway, and who knows if Misa comitted suicide or not.
    I wouldn't trust Jiminy too much. He has a bad habit of losing all the information in his journals. xD Blobs, there must be more.
    FFX Fanboy right here!
    And when she awakes... she finds she's still in the same, bland, white room. xD Xemnas should try out for that role for KH3.
    I'm on a roll! =)
  3. Fine, be a blunette!
    That's awesome! Nobody plays games at your school? I ended up taking a ceramics class for a few days before I got switched out, but I started working on a companion cube while I was there, I wish I got to finish it!
    Lol yeah, did you ever see the video with Mello as the chocolate guy? I'm not sure if its still around. That one was the best chocolate video. xD Oh yeah, I was actually surprised at the anime's ending, usually when the anime goes about changing things around its a mess, but it was actually a nice tribute to Light's character, and it was a bit sadder I think.
    Yeah for rizzle! More games need a Jiminy Cricket. ...And more blobs.
    I thought you were referencing Hypello but it just seemed so random. xD I should have expected as much from you!
    Namine lies awake in agony until her heart attacks put her to sleep... =P ...Xemnas fits that role a little too perfectly... ^ ^;;
    You're breaking the rules... again!
  4. Seems to only suit Axel and Reno, though.
    I made a PSP model! xD Sounds like my school, where no one ever plays games!
    Mello really does remind me of that chocolate guy. xD I just think it could've been better than Light gets completely humilitated, and then killed by Ryuk. =/ (And in the manga, Near really rubs it in, and Light doesn't have his escape scene like he did in the anime. I'm not sure which one I perferred, but I'd probably say the anime one because at least then he shows what little ounce of human is left in him.)
    More games need things which tell you what to do and where to go. And block/switch puzzles need to stop being evil. >.< Blobs...
    Didn't you play FFX?
    Probably Namine. She's almost always in the hospital room, anyway. But you can also use Axel as a complaining mother-in-law. And Xemnas makes a great pedophile woman. xD YouTube - Sora & Burger King
  5. Hey who knows, you could look good with red hair! =P
    What'd ya' make? =D Yeah it ended up looking pretty swell, but its hard for people to tell what it is, because the medium required us to make it half-positive half-negative (like, one side is black background with white detail, and vice versa), plus nobody knew who Vivi was so yeah. xD
    I was definitely more a fan of Light, back in the day. And yeah, once Near and Mello came in the picture, the series went downhill. Mello was alright though. The ending was okay, but I honestly couldn't think of an alternative better ending. xD It wasn't the best ending but eh. ^ ^
    Exactly! It also took me forever to realize that Tales of the Abyss had a "Synopsis" section in the menu, which helped immensely with finding where to go and what to do after returning to a game. I have no idea how I got through Symphonia without using the Synopsis! Lots of wandering around I guess. Fighting blobs.
    Why that? xD
    If there were some footage of Sora melting, I'd have used it. xD That's one of the best episodes. Which character from KH do you think would be the terminal patient? =P
    That's not how it goes! D:
  6. Or worse, red head.
    I did like my Ceramics class. Just shaping clay, but I could make some pretty fun stuff! I bet it was awesome.
    I do like L slightly more, but I like Light, too. I didn't really like Near and Mello popping in, but I grew to accept them, even though the ending was kinda... less than what I was hoping for.
    I went back to TTEOT a while ago, and I did forget everything up to that point, basically. When you forget stuff, the game seriously kicks your ass. And what's ironic is that before you left the game for awhile, you were super knowledgable about the game, and were able to win all battles with ease. And when you come back, you beg that the game goes easy on you.
    It shall be... Shleep tight. =)
    Awesome work, though. I almost thought Sora was gonna melt and say "Thank you for your patronage." xD
    Screw the rules, I have brown hair.
  7. Time to go blond?
    Lmao I hear ya'. xD I liked my art classes though! I did this one project (can't remember what the medium was called), and my subject was Vivi. =)
    Ah, the Death Note manga was good. So were you a Light fan, or an L fan? Or one of the rare both? xD
    LOTS of backtracking, but also there are only like... maybe five real important places in the game, and then maybe five more somewhat-important places, and all the rest (there are a lot of places) are so forgettable and its like, you have to go to explore entire dungeons/whatever just to get an item or something sometimes. And its not the dungeon crawling that gets to me, its just commuting to all the locations! And whenever you take a long break from the game, you remember doing so much random stuff that you don't remember what part you were at or what you had to do. I'm surprised I beat Symphonia.
    Yo yo. Its "slizzeep", yo. 8P
    Haha, even though I wasn't a huge fan of KHII, I still had a lot of fun messing with the scenes.
    You're breaking the unspoken rules!
  8. I'll need to lose the brown hair, then...
    Uh... when its over? xD
    I haven't read a single manga in my life. Well... I did read the Death Note manga. It and the anime went almost hand-in-hand.
    Backtracking, and seemingly endless travel? I get that a lot in games. Especially in Star Ocean: First Departure, there's a walk between two towns that seriously takes all day. Because you walk so slow on the world map, and the distance never seems to end!
    ...I love you. =)
  9. You need to change your name and physical appearance!
    Me too! What is/was your favorite elective in school?
    Have you read the manga? One Piece was my favorite manga back in the day, and is still my favorite of all Shounen Jump series.
    Tales games are fun, though for me, there's something about them that's just... different. I don't know how to explain it, but its easy for me to take an unintentional hiatus from the games. The battle systems are awesome, but I think its the crazy amount of travel you have to do for seemingly no reason (or really unimportant reasons) that gets to me. Still, they are definitely worth playing.
    I think you mean Bizzirth by Slizzeep!
    Haha, that reminds me, wanna see a video I made a few years ago? YouTube - CHOCOLATE!!!
    That doesn't rhyme with "sit" or "knit". =<
  10. Then I'll... I'll... Actually, that could be trouble. o_O
    I like drama class.
    I never actually watched the show, but I can imagine that if its from 4Kids, it must be CRAP. Only saw like... five episodes before casually forgetting its existence. I'll check back into it... eventually.
    Its more of a curse, really. I've never played those Tales games, and Fate keeps telling me about how great they are.
    I've gotz aboutz 50 dollarz for Birth by Zleepz! xD
    CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!! *goes to cannibalize Spongebob and Patrick*
    I like to... eat.
  11. But they'll send out air support mobs. =<
    Ah, that sounds fun! So does drama class, do you like drama?
    Heh, 4Kids forever warped Sanji from One Piece for me. xD Now every time I imagine him speaking, its his 4Kids voice that I hear... ;_; But the theme song was so bad it was AWESOME. I used to have it as my ringtone. And I totally don't remember what you're talking about... you mean the first episode of 5D's, right? Haven't seen it since it first aired. Also, what's up with Rally wearing like, three dresses? Lmao.
    I wish my memory was like yours, I can't remember shit lol. Its really inconvenient when gaming, especially if you try going back to a game you haven't played in a few months at least. For me, the Tales games are the hardest to "jump" back into. x_x
    You gotz to get jobz! But we've already had this conversation. =P
    As long as the vanilla has some sort of topping or something added (chocolate chips, cookie dough, etc.), I can eat it, but otherwise I don't like vanilla. Chocolate is so good! idsufheriughjhdgd
    I like to knit.
  12. I'll... use a flying bike to make my get away!
    Well, it was the end of the year, and we were allowed to do whatever, so someone brought the game in and I played it. Spent the whole class hour on it. xD
    GX was... a nightmare, to put it simply. Really, it should have stopped at the first one, which wasn't all that bad, now that I look back on it. It got to the end of season three, and... out for a year. No idea what happened. Maybe we got lucky, and they lost the rights to it, like they did for One Piece. It's the Cloudo and Seymour fever all over again. I think there were a few episodes where they dueled normally. (And I rewatched the first episode recently. Isn't that Blair girl from GX totally among the cheerleaders near the begninng? o_O)
    You is lucky. >.< (I usually never forget anything from any of my games, no matter how horrible they were.)
    I gotz to get munez!
    Vanilla or chocolate. Sometimes vanilla with the chocolate fudge. *dreams in ice cream*
    I like to sit.
  13. But they tagged you at birth! =O
    You played Katamari in your drama class? What made that happen? xD Really awesome game though, I agree. Its so quirky and fun.
    Yeah GX wasn't very good. xD I'm pretty sure they didn't finish dubbing it. 5D's is actually alright, its better than I expected it to be at least. The series still has the most bizarre hairstyles I've ever seen in my life. =P And seriously, playing cards while driving! I don't foresee any negative consequences there. Though I guess since kids can't drive we don't have anything to be worried about. But I can drive! >:T
    Oh yeah, there were tons of comics. There were some cool characters in them that I would have liked to see in the games. Black Doom? I don't even remember all that stuff, I think I repressed my memories of that game. xD
    Ah, you don't have Wi-Fi? Yeah, get yourself an ethernet cable then mister!
    What's your favorite kind? =D
    Hey me too! I like that role.
  14. They'll never find me! >8D
    I wanna jump! I remember playing that game once in my Drama class. Silly, ridiculous, and totally irrational, yet so awesome.
    I've seen a few episodes. Seemed a bit better than GX was, but not by a whole lot. I don't think 4Kids ever finished GX. Atlas or whatever is totally a fail Kaiba ripoff. "For some reason, playing a card game while riding a motorcyle has caused me to become severely injured." xD
    There were comics, too? All that happened in the PS2 game was some alien dude called Black Doom visited Gerald, and is like "build this thing for me." And Gerald's like "mm-kay." So he created Shadow, and he has BD's blood. Whatever, skip the whole game, and Shadow's like "um... I'll kill you and stuff?" And BD is like "No way." And Sonic is like "Hey shadow!" And shadow's like... "Uh... okay?" And then the game ends with Shadow killing Black Doom and using the Eclipse Cannon to destroy his meteor chunk thingie whatever. Long story short, lame plot.
    I need to get an ethernet cable first. >.<
    Ice cream all around!
    I fit role number 2.
  15. They're gonna send an angry mob to your house. ^ ^
    It sure makes you wanna run on top some buildings for reals, that's for sure! I love really unique games like that. Ever played Katamari?
    Oh yeah, Final Countdown. xD Have you seen any of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's? That show tells me that its okay to play cards while driving. I'm so impressionable that I'm gonna do it!
    I don't remember what his story was in the comics, was it different? I still have some Sonic comics lying around somewhere too... Mostly the issues with Knuckles with Team Chaotix.
    I'm not too sure (haven't played any Crystal Chronicles games either), but it uses the classes from the Tactics games and takes place in the Ivalice universe I believe. You should download the demo from the PSN store on PS3, its fun! Get the Valkyria Chronicles demo too while you're at it!
    Give it a try next time! Makes your ice cream taste a little more like a shake. And that's a lot of hot fudge sundaes mister! xD ...I eat ice cream almost every night too though. >>
    A new bike! You were destined to do a paper boy route! And an office chair! You were destined to be somebody who sits!
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