Conversation Between Ralz and SilkAngel

428 Visitor Messages

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  1. You and Fate talk too much...I fear that you would shrivel up and die if he wasn't on for a few days. It's like you're overdosing on him; once you go cold turkey, your life collapses.
  2. Then you proceeded to throw the bucket at me because I was crying when the scary monster ate that guys head!
  3. Shaq was being a jerk, hogging my popcorn! So much so I yelled, sorry.
  4. Oh yeah?

    What about that one time when you, Shaqueisha, Fredrico and I were at the movies? You weren't very nice then!
  5. I AM nice to you! Always!
  6. Meh...Maybe if you're nice to me.
  7. Razzle-Dazzle works, too!
  8. It's fun to say though!

    I'll just stick to Ralz, Ralzy, Ralzerz and Ralzy-kin when I want something.
  9. I hate formalities.
  10. All for you m'lord.
    XD I think I'll call you that now.
  11. Very.
  12. Oh yeah...see how fast I was?
  13. WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

  14. I need to go eat. >.<
    I'll be back in a few, so don't cry too much.
  15. Sucks for you! ;P
    You can wear your gym clothes. O.o
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 428
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