Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

813 Visitor Messages

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  1. So, what did you want to confirm with me? :U
  2. Cousin! It's been ages.

    I wanted to confirm something with you. So if you ever see this page, again... @_@
  3. D:


    *quadrouple nods?*

    Oh... that's convenience, then!

  4. Dx


    *triple nods*

    I thought it was about 2 years of forgetfulness?

    Because you use it. xD
  5. xD

    Oh, okay, then. *stomps*

    *double nods*

    1000 years of forgetfulness sounds pretty cool right about now. Tidus got lucky.

    My computer is too special for this world.
  6. >:3

    Naaaaahhhh. He got what he deserved, molesting innocent kids by seducing them with candy.


    1000 years was a ton better. :'D

    At first I thought that was Microsoft Word. /shot
  7. For reference, this is as much of the story I got done. :3
  8. (*nods*)


    It stopped... and now he's cold... and pale. Uh... is this a bad thing?

    *nods... again*

    I just realized how horribly dull the world is.

    Is god-awful too soon? Haven't started on the plot, Elyon just dropped the idea of 3 new characters, which of course is nice, but now I gotta personify them. Unless he manages to come up with a wealth of information. Then I gotta finish the new world map with all the stuff I collected from you guys' answers. I might as well start tonight, seeing as how I sure as sugar won't be doing anything else productive tonight.
  9. (Yup, especially Hisoutensoku. <3 Too bad she's only a midboss..)


    ...Is he still bleeding?

    *nods head*

    Far beyond the hazy borders of my...Uhm........I forgot.

    Speaking of the RP, how's the progress on such things?
  10. (Oh. You really like that Touhou, huh?)




    Real emotion you say...

    I will love it whatever it is. :3
  11. (Momiji Inubashiri - Touhou Project Wiki)


    ......If he was a really bad man, yeah, it's a good thing. :U


    Oh, you mean my other personality? It's not real, I act it(with real emotion...)

    You will love the faces. :> I have gained epic skills ever since I have been apart from TFF. xD
  12. (What's that avatar from?)


    That's because I was trying to stop it the whole time. It wouldn't! He was bleeding uncontrollably! Haha! Heh heh... Oh... no... O_O And now it seems he's stopped screaming, at least. Is that a good thing?


    Hey cousin, you never told me you had twins... uh... six of 'em...

    I will love it when it is released.
  13. >_<

    That sounded like you were laughing nervously. x3


    ......You're too tall.....Grow shorter........Zzzzzz...........

    Err, never mind. Forget the whole thing. x3 I guess I'll wait until the RP starts, and THEN I can draw it up. xD
  14. !_!

    Hahaha! He's bleeding! Honest! He's squirtin' like a fountain! THAT'S SO FUNNY!

    Could've fooled me.

    What timeline is it?

    Different how? I'm lost... <____>
  15. ?_?

    Yush~ They're so funny like thaaaaaaaat. xDDDD

    ......Uhm, but didn't we do that already? Calling ourselves weird, I mean.

    *falls asleep*

    I need different knowledge. =3=;;
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