Conversation Between Violet and Sinister

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks, Ann. I'll do my best, lol. Hope we can talk soon, but I have to play catch who knows when it'll be. Stay safe.
  2. Happy Birthday! I made it in time before 12 a.m(my time). Enjoy what you can, even if it is a cold as hell birthday.
  3. I did...very much. Even though...well. ^^; But it was great. I have to get you something fitting, now. I'm glad the store is back, it opens up so many possibilities. Talk to you on MSN. -Sin
  4. Like my present? =p
  5. Good luck with your precious Olivia and may you both have a happy life together! You seriously need to sign on MSN more often! We all miss you on there.
  6. Sounds fine, Sinny. I still have the RP saved, so we can pick up from where we left off any time.
  7. We'll get together and finish the RP soon, Ann. Very soon. lol. idk, like in a day or so. These updates are kind of cool, no? Wishing you the best, -Sin
  8. First visitor message. HO HO HO ! You are are absolutely awesome, Sinny .
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 23 of 23
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