Conversation Between Phantom and Rocky

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hows ya doing Rock?
  2. Thanks mate, I've been so-so lately. How are you doing?
  3. wow your layout is really smexy I likes it how you been champ ?
  4. Happy birthday sir Phantom!!
  5. I'm cleaning the house for the mom and pops while they prepare the meal. My grandparents and aunt are coming over to eat with us! It was great times, the family is all gone now, so I'm just chilling and playing some FFT on the PSP, lol
  6. I'm going to fill out another application in town and then I'm going enjoy dinner with my mother. You?
  7. I've got questions, you've got answers...sounds like you would do wonderful in the Radio Shack business! xD

    I pray that you find a good job soon, and as I said before, happy early thanksgiving! What are your plans for it?
  8. 1. I played all of the FF games
    2. Good, hopefully it will turn out a good day
    3. No its not
    4. Slow sadly

    No big I got answers
  9. Sir Phantom!! Hello there! How are you? How are you so good at FF trivia? How goes your day? Is this annoying if I ask questions like this all at once? How is the job hunting?

    k I'm done now, lol. HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
  10. Thanks mate, that made my day
  11. Aww I hope you have a better day tomorrow, Phantom! You seem to be having rough times recently, and I feel for ya since I was having some of my own earlier. I promise it will get better, just take it one step at a time!!
  12. Not so bad, I'm chilling, but my job search is getting major intense
  13. haha hey Phantom! I'm glad that you got things straightened out during your break! I'm just playing halo and checking out TFF in between games and stuff.. How are things on your end?
  14. Hey Rock, what's sup mate? Guess your glad I'm back huh? lol I think the little break helped me more then I throught.
  15. Good luck tomorrow sir Phantom!! Show them that you are the most serious business they have to offer! I'll be rooting for ya!
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