Haha yes you will be seeing more of me and yeah those are pro, im a pro model now. Still am kinda skeptic on my looks but its whatever. Its good to see you! College is evil and now I have the web again and school hasn't been as hard so I can come on again! <3
haha hey, better late than never! Glad to see you and your pretty self around these part again! I like the new pictures by the way, and some professional ones too? Wow. Does this mean I'll be seeing more of you here?
Thank you for the B-day love, I know its late but thankie thankie! Yes, totally legal! XD
RIKA! Happy 18th milady Rika! Now you're legal and I can have my way with you without getting into jail, rahahaha
haha, okay! consider it done
I wanna have a family toos...don't leave me abandoned and alone! Wahh *cries* ^_^; If you do give me a position what would it be...how about my Kristen Stewart obsessed second cousin twice removed! XD
Wow...small world thats the same sort of career I plan on having as well. I want to use horses as a theraputic instrument with special needs/physically impared children. My brother is Autistic so thats how I got into wanting to do so...plus I love horses! But thats very cool of you to have an interest in that. And oh is Cilla nice, I have only been talking to her for a little bit of time but she really is a very nice person who I enjoy speaking with very much.
Yep, you are correct, it is the one and only miss awesomely Cilla She is a very sweet person indeed, and somehow she thinks the same of me, so I am very lucky! And as for my job, I work as at a children with special needs facility, which means I get to hang out and work with kids that have physical/mental disabilities and work alongside them. Its really a blast, and it is something that I want to persue after I graduate from college.
Aww wooing is always cute! Can I guess who it is? Possibly the very sweet person I have been talking to recently? Priscilla! ^^ If im wrong then you have my permission to virtually wack me. Hmm, I don't really have much palnned today really. Im here with family at my uncles house with not much to do. -_- But I can try to get nearly finished with my Eclipse book (Is a psycho Twilight fan) then weasle my way into getting back home tomorrow. What kind of job do you have if you don't mind me asking?
haha yeah, well I think I already wooed one in particular, or maybe it was the other way around, I can't remember for sure but I think she is more than enough for me, lol. And yeah, I hear you, family is nice but I sometimes get my style cramped when we all just sit around and do nothing after turkey day, lol. But you should revive it, sounds like some good fun! And as for me, I got bored so I jumped on tff for a bit, then a friend called me and we talked a good deal of time. Now I have to get ready for work, as I go in within the hour! What are you up to for the day?
Yah you just need to woo all the lovely TFF girls eh. Fun fun. Im bored as of now, hanging with family is nice but we all aren't doing anything so I may just end up reviving Omnitenses Vamp rp so they can start it up again. They were begging me to do so. -sigh- So what are you doing this fine afternoon? Besides being a nerd here on TFF?
Thats good to hear! And yeah, that happens to be a picture of me, lol. I've been here for a long time and have never posted a pic of me, so I decided to throw one down there so all the ladies can ogle over me, lol. But I'm happy to hear you are having a great time! Take care!
I've been doing just fine dear having a good time actually! Now is that a picture of you I see down there *points* if so then you are quite the handsome boy! And don't I know about the whole life getting in the way that happens even to the best of us.
Hello there miss Rika! Happy thanksgiving, and how have you been as of recently? And don't worry about the rp, I got kinda caught up on other things so I wasn't going to make a great post anyways. It was not a big deal at all. That just means you are going to have to pick up the slack for me now!
Dropping by to say hello! XD Sorry meanie Fehrant dropped you from the rp. That wasn't nice.