Conversation Between Yesha and Lionhearted

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. oh.. is that so..? It's ok.. atLeast you remembered TFF and weLL, getting Dissidia is a good news.. Oh! And before I forgot Merry Christmas to you.. yeah.. kinda Late.. :-)
  2. I am doing good. I got really sucked into world of warcraft so I kinda forgot about the forums D: but the good news is i've started posting again, and I just got dissida for christmas.
  3. yeah.. how're you? And.. where have you been...?
  4. Hello again! its been a while...again XD
  5. Hey, yeah i'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I have been doing other stuff but it just took a few FF VIII soudtrack songs (mostly "Fragments of Memories") to get me back on board.
  6. HeLLo.. haven't seen you around here LateLy.. how have you been?
  7. yeah, its really sad... even worse is that squall does not even know that laguna is his father! D:
  8. Yeah.. but Raine wiLL do... unfortunateLy, she died earLy.. not even seeing her son..
  9. but yeah julia and laguna would have made a cute couple though.
  10. Yeah.. I agree with you..
  11. yeah... but julia ended up having rinoa! so it kind of worked out in the end. also, if they ended together squall would have never been born.
  12. Thanks for the rep.! Yeah.. that was a funny scene.. he aLways Looks so nervous when it comes to JuLia.. he reaLLy Love that woman, and we can see that.. but, sadLy.. they never ended together..
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 27 of 27
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