Conversation Between Joe and Hyzenthlay

51 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm actually up north visiting the girlfriend for a few weeks. Also thinking of ways that I might be able to stay. I love it here!
  2. OUCH! You can't just go round poking people. how are you honey? Where you been? X
  3. -poke-
  4. That's cool. Glad to see you are still with her. What's she like? I take it you like her but give me the run down .

    Awwwwwww noooooorrrrr, what happened to your car? Damn car absorbing your savings.
  5. LOL nothing's going on with moving atm. No better job, and no savings after some issues with my car a few months back. Gonna travel back north to my girlfriend at the end of the month for a few weeks though ^^
  6. Rawwwwwr.

    Be on more! I know you lurk. Wanna hear what's going on with moving and stuff.

  7. Happy Birthday! We should chat soon!
  8. Ohai
  9. <3
  10. Merry Christmas, Miss Aimee!
  11. <3
    Miss talking.
    Be back soon.
  12. Had a shit day at work, but other than that pretty alright xD
  13. Not a lot. You okay?
  14. Ohai! What's new?
  15. Being drunk or really doing anything other than work or study is new to me. I drank for the first time back in may, and have only drank two or three times since. It's fun, but when I drink I tend to chill and be kind of a smart ass (more so than usual).

    Oh! I did go on a few dates back in late august/early september.
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