Well, here I am. I can't go on MSN, but my condition has improved. I also have an epic tale which involved me going to the DUN DUN DUN hospital. Anyway, I was happily eating my meat pie when I feel a trickle run down my right nostril onto my upper lip. Thinking quick, I dropped the pie and put my hands over my nose while shouting "Ged me sub tissoos!" ever so eloquently. I looked at the news paper in front of me to see blood splatters, confirming my theory that it WAS a blood nose. Anyway, I put the tissues over my nose and waited. I went into the bathroom and went to remove the tissue to see if the bleeding had stopped. What I discovered was horrible. I'll put it in the same colour as TFF Dark's background in case you're feeling queasy. I pulled off the tissue, and with it came this giant clot. and not just any clot. It looked like a honking great crimson slug. I just googled at it.
Part three: The length of this VM is a testament to the extent of my boredom. I'm meant to be photoshopping graphics for my dad. Buttt... photoshop is being mean. It won't let me duplicate or unlock layers. Wtf. D= I haz an irritated. And I've read all the friends' page posts on LJ. I shut off MSN because there was no one to talk to and that guy to avoid. The point of being on? Well, there wasn't one. Exit MSN? Oh yes. So now my computer is lagging a little less, and I still can't fix photoshop. ANGER! Anyway. >< I'll shut up now. xD Actually no I won't. I tried to post this, and THIS is what I get. D= "The following errors occurred with your submission: 1. The text that you have entered is too long (2016 characters). Please shorten it to 1000 characters long." Wth. Lyk srsly. I haz a mad. Woop, now it's 2319 characters. Well, it was when it was a whole message. Now it has been split into three, so I don't know how many it is now. Grar.
Part two: That sounds like crap though. Total gayness. Poor Rocco. D= I'm glad I only get sick once a year on average. Actually it's probably something like 1.32 times on average, but meh, I don't find myself caring all that much. Still rounds to 1.3 which rounds to 1. Har har. Er, yes. My point: Get better. Quickly. I'm sick of hiding from that guy on MSN with no one to talk to. Gah. This fails epically. >< Of course, it is bad that you're sick too. So that can also be a reason for you to get better. I'm not selfish, no. =D
Happy New Year, you potty loon! =D [I wanted to use that phrase on someone. Har.] =DDDDDDDDDD You had better succeed in pestering them into submission. And you HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to come to BRISBANEEEEE, kthxbai. Make them do it, 'kay? =O And it should definitely be free for you to come and stay in a non-scuzzy place. Keevin Oh Seevin can take care of your travel and food expenses, and you can stay in my garage. That's not scuzzy! There are mattresses! Oh yes. Our garage is high-class. They ARE baby mattresses, mind... :x But there's a bathroom! I'm sure your family would LOVE to share a crappy bathroom in my garage. What? It's free, and we are within 50m of each other which will make planning world domination a cinch. Down with Hyz and Psiko! Up with Lily and Rocco's Iron Fist(s) of Insta-Fail Doom! Hellz yes. We will be like God, only corporeal in this world. And maybe slightly less awesome. We can't smite people. Yet. I'm working on it.
Well, this is gay. Apparently my condition has deteriorated to the point where "getting on MSN tonight would be the most stupid thing you could do." Just because the lining of my nose is paper thin because I've been blowing it so much, I have a cracking headache, a cough and have been sleeping since 11 am (I woke at 8. >>; ) doesn't mean MSN is a bad idea. Maybe it is. Anyway. I'm bored, and mother is hounding me to get off. So now I have to endure the Nuthouse instead of the lesser nuthouse of MSN. FAILZ.
Update tiemz! Mother and father, when questioned about a possible trip to Queensland, said they would like to go at the end of this year once I've graduated. =DDD That's half the battle won. Well, I'd like to think it's half the battle won. It's probably closer to one tenth of the battle. The other nine-tenths involve me getting them to commit to the trip. Which will be considerably harder. D= Everyone sucks. They should make it free for us to travel and eat and stay at places that are nice and not scuzzy. And Happy New Year! May it be the one where we meet. It had better be.
Whoo hoo POTO! =DDD Now I just need to un-piss-off mine and get to to FECKING CALL STARLIGHT. x_x People are WEIRD. Kay, get this, she went spastic about how I obviously couldn't care less about Photoshop because I didn't ask about it to be installed on the first couple of days. So I asked her every day since about it since I figured that was what she wanted me to do, and today she screams at me that she doesn't want anything to do with it, doesn't want it on her laptop, couldn't care less if it went in the bin, if I want it, install it myself. WTF?! And epic major super poo about the DW shoes. ;_;
I has a success. Mum said she was going to discuss POTO with dad all the way to Perth today, and book tickets very soon. =D AND LOOK AT THE TIME I AM POSTING THIS. I've been up for an hour and a half as well. D= WA time too, remember. Wretched mother and sister being desperate for shopping.
Ooooh. Gogo non-frizzy hair. =D I didn't notice about the TARDIS hair, so it's okay. =P Shank youuu. It be PSE. It seems that I pissed mother off for not begging her to install it straight away, so she is punishing me by putting it on her laptop first. >> I must wait, now, until she sees fit to do that. x_x Vivi is awesome. =D
Donna = win for wanding. Her hair is straight and not frizzy in the slightest. =D The only problem is that the TARDIS and the edges of her hair sort of blend in together. =O And your banner is purty. Is it PSE or CS4? It looks fantastic regardless. Best yet, methinks. Mine's boring-er. New one soon, methinks. I have discovered I love Vivi. But I have so many other obsessions to choose from. Decisions!
hai2u. i bez lyk so bord lulz. I still have to wrap presents. D:
I'm hyperrrrr and it's lateeeee. Wheeeeee. You smell bad. =P
"Lily smells bad. =D So does Telstra. I am going to kill Lily. I mean, she's great. Look at my neat avy and sig combo she made." We are so kind to each other. I'll kill you, too. Don't worry. =D But after we take over the world and end the lives of morons, politicians, stupid breakfast show hosts, celebrities and haitchers. Then you will meet your demise. >=D If I even remember to kill you by then. Chances are... not. Wow. I just dedicated a VM to talking about killing you. That is saddd. Oh well. You deserve it for something, I'm sure. =D Grawr. Man, I just found a better quote for my "classic" section than Polk saying that you and Rocky were secretly lovers. It gets replaced nao. To my sorrow and your joy, I suppose... =P
I had Nutella for breakfast. <3 I have an epic bored too. I'm meant to be doing cat webpages. But I'm not. :x Woe to MSN. D:
OHAI2U. I have an epic bored. MSN is being a poohead. I think I need to reinstall it. D= I will stab it. Seriously, I will. I want Nutella. I am hyper. I just had two cups of tea in a row. =D