Conversation Between nix and GypsyElder

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. Work and I'm trying to finish up my degree. I'm, applying for a master's program, which the application process itself is a pain in my ass.

    I refuse to pay to play online; that is the most blasphemous trickery I have ever heard of lool.
  2. What has you so busy?

    I havent played much online with bloodborne, i only get two days free with PS plus, then you have to pay for it, which im not too keen in doing as i dont see much benefit. I'm used to my consoles offline anyway
  3. Metal Gear is da bestest. I'm not sure what I'm getting yet. For sure Fallout 4 and Bloodborne, but unfortunately, there are very few games I want to play nowadays...I'm making it a point to play MORE though. I've been busy as hell and I need to maintain sanity.

    I still play Demon's Souls! How is the co-op in Bloodborne? I've only briefly watched people play on twitch, so I know nothing until I pick up my own copy.
  4. Yeah they dropped down to reasonable price so i decided to get one, after a week of searching for the best deal my friend texted me and said that Argos were selling the Ps4 (500gb) with assassins creed syndicate and watchdogs and also a copy of the uncharted collection for only €320 ($340) so i went there straight to buy it. I was gonna pay €350 the week before for the Ps4 and uncharted (glad i held out).

    So i took the PS4 out of the bag as soon as i got it, slapped it on the table of the clerk who sold me and got the watchdogs game out of the PS4 box, then went into a nearby trade in store and traded in watchdogs and picked up bloodborne for €20 (bargin). Then i went home and got started on Assassins creed straight away (i had no major hunger to play the game, not a fan of the series, but i enjoyed black flag) so yeah loaded it up with the intent of finishing it as fast as i could which i did and then traded that in for the new metal gear

    But eh yeah, get one! What will we play?

    I remember you telling me about demon souls long ago when it was first out and you were playing it, you will love bloodborne

    I've yet to play the soul series however >_<
  5. I'm debating getting one for Black Friday! Let's play!!
  6. I got a PS4, been stuck playing Bloodborne, cant get enough of it

    You..boring? C'mon now!
  7. I'm good! I'm as boring as ever.

    I was just making sure hehe. Anything new?
  8. Hey! Yeah im still alive

    How are you? <3
  9. You alive? <3
  10. LMFAO. My Baaadd. You know I'm always still here. lurking like a creep.
  11. Hey gurl!

    you know me, skanking up the place, had to take hold of the skanky reigns when your skank ass went AWOL

  12. I see you online skank
  13. *party*
  14. Yes Ma'am!
  15. Get on MSN more! or Skype!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 71
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