Conversation Between DragonHeart and SeleneHime

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. /shrug, it happens. I think I'm ok this year because of the medical karma I accumulated from blowing my eardrum out via infection a couple years ago. Haven't been sick since. Though I suppose working out probably has something to do with it as well. Yay fitness. XD
  2. Well, I usually don't have this problem. But, I guess it is this year. Surprised I didn't catch it earlier, though - Mom's been fighting this crud for three months now. Of course, she is finally starting to get over it. (Irony, anyone?)

    Glad to hear you're doing okay, though. *Huggles.*
  3. It is that time of the year, eh. I've been lucky so far this year, knock on wood. Of course that might also mean I'll have allergies instead. Always something.
  4. *Smiles.* 'Side from being sick, yeah, it went pretty good.
  5. Thanks, hope you did too.
  6. Happy Valentines, DragonHeart. *Huggles.* I hope you enjoy your day. ^_^
  7. Just a status update - Our map is mostly done, save for individual city names and landmarks.
  8. Well, I'll work on a basic plot line, send that to you, and we can go from there if you want. And with the RP board as dead as it seems to be, I see your point. That'd be asking for it to die.
  9. Well, whatever works. There's no reason you can't start two, although I wouldn't run them concurrently. Not right now anyways.
  10. Hmm ... I have another idea for that RP we're working on, actually. A new character showed up last night that was quite intriguing, although the irony of how close her 'title' was to your user name was rather amusing. She'd fit in both this RP and one of her own, actually. ^_^
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