Conversation Between HUNK and Judge Magistrate

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hmm, I've been well I suppose. However, I've been really bored of late, need somthing to do. (That's why I'm trying to get back into rping.)
    Mmyes, I play as Gabranth and Firion all the time. Gotta say though, Gabranth's voice actor was better in the first dissidia. His quotes just don't seem as cool in the second. (Still that alternate costume was worth it.) He fights like me, messing around til he gets hurt and then goes all Ex-beast mode and destroys. (Berserker much?)
  2. Okay, now I can talk to you normally. So to answer your first question, yes, I do play as Gabranth a lot in Dissidia. He is an awesome character, that I really felt for. He was similar to myself in a lot of ways in his attitude and everything. How have you been doing?
  3. Yup.
  4. Okay, I see the pictures and I hear the quotes. Do you play as Judge Gabranth on Dissidia alot aswell? Just curious.
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