Conversation Between HUNK and Kilala

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm glad you did stop by here ^___^
    Ooo and I used to be like that on diet coke. I loved the stuff... but the thing was I got waaay hyper on it xD. So I was weened off it slowly ;; Now I"m a water-aholic xD. I know I'm weird.... <_<
  2. Ha, Moving?
    The only withdraw I ever suffer is from soda... Its a NEED not a want.

    Just sitting around. Got home a bit late today and thought I'd check the forums. Saw you were on and decided to chat for a bit.
  3. Haaai ^__^ I'm just catching a bit of TFF right now x3. Before the removal people return @_@ *Sigh* They're so destructive xD. Moving official sucks;; I just had to remove the leads from my TV and playstation... Already the withdrawal symptoms have sunk in. I think it's more of the case that... I know I can't play on the PlayStation now... @_@ XD.
    How about you? ^_^
  4. Hello! What ya up to?
  5. Awww wow! That sounds so cool x3 So Jinno really can pew pew :3
  6. Yeah, I have seen the epilouge of Afro samurai(before the resurection series started) and it was Afro standing on the bridge where his father died and whering the Number 1 headband.
    It showed Jinno walking twords him and he was like mummified in all the headbands. It was really cool and it was more evidence that jinno cant die.
  7. Haha! YouTube has some funny ideas ;3
    Poor ol Jinno... I guess he must be used to it by now!

    Have fun with that early morning rise ^~
  8. ..."how can I even take a warrior with such stupid hair seriously!" Ah, Priceless.

    Jinno is cool but he dies in almost every fight he is in...its really sad but thats jinno's charecter.

    Justice is AWSOME though! "I God!"
    Its like 12:30 so im heading to bed. Gota get up at 6. Ill chat at you tommorow or somthing. By the way, if you can look up accounts on youtube, my username is Onionknight777. (My age on that says twenty two beacuse they wont let you watch violent anime's if you are under 18 for some reason...bah, as if I haven't seen worse!)
    In Blood,
    Andrew J. Bealor
  9. Just finished watching Afro VS Jinno (Kuma)! That's some smooth animation... The combat sequences are pretty awesome! I'll try and look for the other one now :3
  10. My advice is the fight between Jinno(Kuma) and Afro or Afro's father vs Justice.
  11. Awesome! I'll YouTube that now then ^^
  12. I was just wondering...I dont really always follow the story(Its a bit too simple) but the fights are awsome. Youtube it! Justice, Jinno and Shichigoro are awsome fighters. In case you were wondering, My avatar is the charecter Justice.
  13. Afro Samurai? Hmmm nuuu I haven't! Would you recommend it? :3
    --- And Sephiroth a studmuffin eh? I might just have to check him out xD

    Oh! And thank you for adding me ^___^
  14. Ha ha, make sure you're good! Sephiroth is a total STUDMUFFIN on KH1 and if your not carefull he will tear you in HALF! I beat him on KH2 and I thought he was DRAMATICLY weaker on it...but now im on proud mode so Lord help me. Yeah though, ill add you now. I know this is a bit aside but I was thinking about it so I had to ask, Have you ever seen Afro samurai?
  15. Awww, sorry about your KH one! I'd share mine if I could x3.
    I've yet to complete KH2 as well... but I thought I'd save that for after my KH one victory! And I can't wait to face Sephiroth.. nothing like a good challenge I say hehe ^_^

    And on a side note, could I add you to friends? :3
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