Cuz hes a friken gangster and uses the handgun with one hand biat*h. Yeah what now?! David also starts with his toolbag of wonders and has very helpful stuf. In the hospital lvl I made my own weapon with david and it was awsome.
ya and david is good im jut been trying to beat the game with him y i really dont know
Yeah there is no escape from that thing but you can distract it with the blood pack thingys. The black cop as you so politly put it is Mark. I prefer using Kevin and David. David is just frikin awsome.
the black cop um i cant think of is name of the top of my head and ya that fricking leach of what ever the frick it is keeps killing me i cant get away ffrom the dang thing
Yeah Ill have to come over some time for that. The third level is just a bunch of bullcra*. It took me forever to kill that stupid leach thing. Which charecter are you using the most?
the 2nd lvl i cant find were to go on the 3erd
Witch boss are you talking about? What lvl was it on?
i have just started playing i have been playing it for about 3 hours and im lost i just killed the first boss
Why yes it is a guild. We are currently thinking about helping noobs and stuf but we are not sure yet. However its just a thought. After all its kinda hard to join. In unrealated news how far have you goten in RE outbreak? Any thing I can help with?
join what and who? you talking about a guild or something
hmm. I was thinking, if you could be a little more literate, would you concider joining CRAO PORR COCK8? Before you join we would need to see you be a little more gramatical but you have a good post count. I think you should think about it.
ya i know what you man i got one sprite to work but it was all fricked up i tryed puting it on my game MY way haha so that do always lead to the best things lol
Well take comfort in knowing that you accually got the program to work. I cant even get the sprite editor to work....Im not going to give up though. This oppretunity is just too awsome.
kk i still thickit may be cause i was trying to hack my own hacked acc my data is still in the process of geting better im still learning so it may be that i will try it on my normal acc
No.... But I know for a fact he is online. I tried posting in a help thread and I still havent checked it so I might have got an answere but Ill just check tommorow.