Conversation Between HUNK and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. They are not Noobish, and they have been with me for a while, so I let them Apply to my Fraternity. If I liked what I saw, I'd let 'em in. If they Go too far with certain things, then I Kick 'em out, but other than that, its all good.
  2. Well it's no different.

    I don't know how your last message slipped by me but I shall address it now that I have read it.
    I am compleatly loyal to Crao Porr Cock8 but at the same time I will advise you watch out for what type of people join your frat. I've noticed alot of n00bish people join and I would advise caution....unless n00bishness is your thing.(I don't think it is but for some people it is)
  3. So, how you like Being 16 man? Is it fun?
  4. Your with CPC8, Aren't you? Sokay, We Still Friends...Don't want to fight with you, those are not my intensions.
  5. LOL No Problem Buddy
  6. Thanks man.
    I didn't even know beforehand that there was a birthday thread.
  7. If you didn't read it yet, here is the link...Saves you the trouble of looking for it...LOL:
  8. I wrote in the Birthday Thread yesterday, you should check it out.
  9. Ottawa is a city...LOL
  10. Cool, I live in that capital of nowhere. However I would rather live in a city. Theres always stuff to do in the city.
  11. Ottawa is the Capital of Canada, and Toronto is the Capital of Ontario...LOL I live in the Capitol of Canada...LOL
  12. Ontario, is that not close to the boarder? I'm not sure but I think it is... It's one of the few Canadian places that you hear about here in the United states. Ontario and Toronto.
  13. Not All of Canada Speaks French. I live Somewhere where we Speak both English, and French...Ottawa, Ontario...LOL
  14. Canada eh? (Tee-hee)

    Can't say I've ever been outside the US but I was born in Alaska which is right next to Canada. However I couldn't live in Canada, don't they speek french their? I can't speek french so I'm not sure how that would turn out...Would love to learn it though.
  15. I'm not really a Foreigner, but I'm from Canada. So we live in Sibling Countries.
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