Rmvx thread done!!! Demo link is there!!!!
Haha! Busted!! But okay i'll change it!
Omgage! I just realised you put me down as your brother on your family! FOO YOU MY NEPHEW! THIS 'AINT WEST VIRGINIA! I AM YOUR UNCLE AND YOU MUST RESPECT THAT!(joking but seriously man)
I can tell you how! First go to goggle... then check a picture... the take the Http: of it copy and paste it in a post and a link will directly come... But its totaly diffrence of having a download link...
Well dont ask me. Im not that good at things like that.(5-10 times I cant even post a link here)
Sorry i have not created a demo yet... i have problem of creating a download link... coz i don't know HOW! (Me: Epic Fail!) Still... when i gets to know how to make an download link i'll make an download link directly! But currently i don't know how :C
Awsome can I play the demo? It sounds awsome!
Ah sure! Its a game created with an program called RPG maker VX ... This game has no story... BUT! it has alot of bosses to fight for! curently im about 23% done with the game... i telled kilala to make an Penance battler for the game... Penance will be about the 46 boss in the game... When you complete a boss... you'll be teleported to the next boss arena... Where treasure chests will wait there... Theres no normal battle either... you automaticly level up some levels for the suitable level for the next boss...
Awsome, is it a real game or what? Tell me a bit more.
Really good! im soon opening an demo for my custom made RPG game... i call it Uber Gilgamesh's boss Arena! it going to have 50 (maybe more bosses to fight againt!)
Im doing good bra! Glad to almost be finished with Drivers Ed. Playing Eo and doing nothing else. You?
How're doing?
Sounds all fine! Without Crazed part -.- take instead Ultimate instead of Crazed okay?
My crazed sword collecting nephew Uber Gilgamesh. How about that?
Well i dunno... Suprise me!