Conversation Between HUNK and Rocky

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. Crao Porr Cock8....wait, thats not what I came here to say. *Checks Rockys Visitor messages* Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Rocky!!!
  2. Thanks bra.
    Designated Diver eh? I'm making that my new title.

    16 now eh? does that mean we have a licensed driver on our hands? if so, that means you can be my official DD!

    Have a good one bro.
  4. Jeez a tank!

    I have fought a few people with wolfs. (One dude had like level 2 stats so I fought him only to find out he had two pets which could each get three attacks on me, quite frankly it sucked.) Well thanks for the info, I kinda thought it was like that.
  5. Its actually pretty random with the leveling up system; sometimes you get stats, skills, weapons and pets, and sometimes you don't. It can get kind of annoying but just remember that each level up only betters your character, there isn't anyway he or she can get worse, lol. Just watch out for the players with pets though, those are the scary ones. The bears are fkn tanks, lol.
  6. Yeah I was randomly clicking.

    Plus in a strange twist of events my friend called me yesterday morning and said I should try it. So since it was there and only a click away I decided to give it a shot.

    Found it entertaining but cant get weapons. Mind explaining how? My character randomly pulled out a stick and started fighting with it but other people have way better equipment and they are the same level as me.
  7. yeah, it is indeed, haha. And how did you "somehow" end up my pupil, were you just randomly clicking stuff or what? Haha oh well, me and a bunch of other people I know were trying to make our clan one of the top ones, but none of us are really active anymore, so yeah.
  8. Hey rockman!

    Is the brute on your sig really yours? Somehow i ended up your pupil. Names andrewbealor, check it out. Hahaha.
  9. that makes two of us
  10. Hey rock, whats the deal with the army of Joe? I'm really not sure what to say about it.
  11. Well for things to get better, you've got to remember that things have to start somewhere. So I'm glad to hear that you are getting things a little bit better.

    As for me, I'm getting to finish up Drivers Ed and its going....well I suppose not to bad. It does seem like I'm always doing worse then my peers though. I think it will be alright though. Life is fine for me.
    Glad to hear its getting better,
    Andrew J. Bealor
  12. I'm kinda off and on until July for sure, everything has been really busy for me and its hard to devote more than a decent time to read through posts let alone express my own opinion, but whenever I get the chance I take time to catch up, lol. Life is still very stressful but I'm getting things worked out as best as I can, and that's all I can really do now, but it should get better from here (I hope). How are things on your end?
  13. Hey I thought you were gone.
    Glad to see you are back man, how has life been?

    Just checking,
    Andrew J. Bealor
  14. Random Visitor message!

    CRAO PORR COCK8 for Life!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 29 of 29
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