Conversation Between Azuteor and Yesha

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. GLad you're onLine.. :-)
  2. You couLd aLso join as a member if you want.. :-)
  3. ReaLLy? That's nice to hear.. just check out/browse the "Anime Fanatics CLub" thread.. to know more about the contest.. :-)
  4. Sure no problem! When is the contest held? I'm also doing fine. I'm finishing a project for school with my filipino (!!) friend.
  5. ALso.. I'm great.. ikaw? Kumusta ka?
  6. Since.. you're the one I've been Looking up to.. on that matter.. :-)
  7. I wouLd Like to ask you if it's o.k that.. you'LL aLso participate on our cLub event/contest as a judge.. since it's an OriginaL Anime Character drawing contest.. :-)
  8. Hey! Kamusta ka!? I'm good! What is this favor you speak of?
  9. Heys.. haven't seen you around LateLy.. How've you been..? Anyway.. I'LL make it straight.. can I ask you a favor..? If that's okay with you.. :-)
  10. weLL.. I just finished aLL my schooL cLearance, projects and stuff so I didn't had the time to umm.. check on here for a coupLe of months, i think.. and Last january we gone to Japan for vacation.. :-) it was fun.. and I didn't brought my Laptop.. so I don't have any internet access there..
  11. thanks!

    Where have you been?
  12. I Luv ur profiLe Lay-out.. :-)
  13. Yeah.. LoL! :-) It's great to back here again..
  14. YES! My filipina ate! xD I'm not the only filipino here now!
  15. Yeah.. yey!! LoL! Ya miss me? :-)
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 35
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