Conversation Between grims sakura and Oneesan

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not yet, but maybe one of these days. Have fun!
  2. I'm back for a little bit. We're at his sister's house. We went swimming ^^. We'll probably be back home in a couple hours. I hope you finally got some sleep. =]
  3. It is very cruel, but I have gotten my 2nd wind and will probably be up for a while.
  4. That's not cool . I hate when sleep teases people like that.
  5. I give up, sleep is not happening for me today. So, I am back!
  6. Sleep well! I'll be here when you return ^^
  7. That is so cute! Well, I guess I should give in to sleep now, but I will be back when I wake up. Take it easy and I will talk to you later!
  8. Aww, Kerry comes home and watches TV mostly. They work him way too hard >.<. He's playing with the kiddos now. They're laughing and screaming and divebombing him haha
  9. He works for the METS team at home depot, the vendors pay them to set up and maintain their displays. I hate it when he works outside, he will come home and pass out with barely 2 words. It gets kinda lonely sometimes!
  10. Agreed! Need rain badly lol. I can hardly stand to be outside for my 10 minute smoke breaks >.<. What does Mike do for work?
  11. I wish Mike was home
    It is way too hot lately, we need rain BAD!!!
  12. Actually he has nothing to do today. His dad is jackhammering, which Kerry would have to just sit there in the heat, so dad didn't wake him up. His 2nd boss is fixing the truck, supposedly, so he got to sleep in today. ^^
  13. Haha! Help as well as quality time, can't beat that! Did Kerry leave for work yet?
  14. Definitely. =D. So are Daddy's off days xD hehe
  15. Naptime is a blessing!
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