Conversation Between Dragoon_Nick and ChloChloAriadne

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Why not on MSN? I want to talk to you. It really was too good to be true.
  2. I'll send you a photo tonight.
  3. ps: i have to see your hair!
  4. I just have an image of you fading away, and it sucks...
  5. Oh, by the way, I just got super bright red streaks in the front of my hair. You'd love it.
  6. Hm? I'm just quite confused now.
  7. I obviously failed at trying to get you back into chats with myself. You went Psycho because of what i did, and when i talked to you, you barely had to say anything...

    whats up with you....i worry
  8. Who is this Nick guy? Let's beat the shit out of him!
  9. Thanks to you i won a're awesome! You really are a "cunning linguist"...
    Teach me more...

    Your English Language disciple
  10. If i had a nickel for every time i stopped and thougth, "wow, this girl has it all"...i'd owe money....

    Nah, i'd be freaking rich!
  11. Rawr.
  12. Oranges are actually yellow....but the reflection of the sunlight makes them orange...
  13. I always do.
  14. Umm...i didn't memorize the win?
  15. Turn. Look, one more time. See me brimming with saltwater brine. Away you run, away I give.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 39
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