Conversation Between RamesesII and Pete

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm starting to get nervous. I hope to God that I don't have to take out any nuclear capable robots today. I'm a little hungover.
  2. Holy....... shit balls I don't even know what to say to this.
  3. Maybe a little more
  4. Oh only in a platonic way hahaha
  5. Oh man, could you imagine if someone new joined as Solidus Pete. I would shit a brick.

    As for the Boss, I have no idea. Perhaps Whitney, because she was around for long before me, and we were relatively close, but that's name dropping from many moons ago. Plus I totally would have hit it... and like the Boss, Whitney has been long gone... and I've more or less lost my mind. Could CPC8 be Zanzibar?
  6. I'm sure you mean that in a more obscure meaning as well. Haha Who was your mentor then who would best fit the role as The Boss plus there was Solidius snake as well.
  7. I saw this earlier. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've been here so long that maybe I'm more like Naked Snake/ Big Boss.
  8. The Final Fantasy Forums - View Profile: SolidPete

    That must mean you are LiquidPete, I didn't take you as the 'f*** you all Ima gonna load a nuclear missile onto a big ass rail gun on a big ass mech' type of guy.
  9. Awesome I like to indulge in a brewsky after work. If it helps any I had one in honor of your birthday haha
  10. Lots. I was hiccuping drunk!
  11. As long as there was some sort of alcohol involved haha
  12. Thanks man! It's been pretty uneventful so far, but I can't complain.
  13. Happy birthday Pete
  14. Gotta love those short shorts haha,

    I knew there was something very suss about that picture as soon as I saw it and it wasn't the guy standing suggestively behind the other or the random snow cone advertising then I picked it... those damnable shorts haha
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