Conversation Between Yoko and loaf

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wait, is that really a problem? I don't really understand your combo deals, but I have seen coupon wars. You guys are crazy with your coupons.

    I hate living with the rents. They bring me down. I like being lonely and 'free'. I still end up paying for everything anyway.
  2. Individual Awesomeness.

    Problem with the coupons if you wait a long time for the big deal combo.

    I miss being on my own, but that got shit on lol.
  3. Your coupon system doesn't work here. And the coupons here are hard to come by. I'm better off just buying the items when they're on sale.

    I found some money, but that all I can do for today. I can only do so much. Ah well. Such is life and living on my own. I enjoy it. I like where I am and where I'm going. I wouldn't exchange my life for someone else's. They wouldn't be able to handle so much awesome.
  4. Private loans suck and finding money for it sucks too. Technically spring break started 2 days ago, but since monday always has holidays we make up those weeks on spring break...2 holidays this quarter so Monday and Tuesday back to back classes finishing finals.

    Oh my boss at my morning job is a coupon maniac, you should just go hoard up some coupons and look for ez deals! You can save tons!
  5. I've been running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to get money for school. I don't have a job currently. And I'm running out food. School is going well. I had my spring break last week. It ended waay too soon.
  6. Neg Rep always happens when you get a spree of Positive

    Still alive, that ghetto hasn't gotten me yet. It's Spring Break from school for me. I'm just being boring, work work school. You?
  7. Lol, I know you do. I hadn't received down rep on a while. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

    How are ya?
  8. i just like being an ass sometimes
  9. Meh. Either way its an opinion of two people.
  10. Glad to be of service I personally felt like trolling him, but didn't.
  11. A couple hours. I don't normally check that spot either Clever
  12. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the age of 22. I hope you enjoy it.
  13. Haha, I don't think it's worth looking up. Thanks for the insight though .
  14. The internet.
  15. Do you have proof?
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