Conversation Between Rain Lil and Victoria

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, I'm so busy! My family & I are moving out of our old house. I haven't been posting much on here, although I try. Studying takes so long too. Funny you said that, too. I haven't paid my cellphone bill for... 4 months or so. LOL I don't have much of a job anymore. I applied like everywhere & no one wants me! =[ Oh well. We can always talk on here.
  2. Aww. That sucks. I guess you're just really busy with life, huh?
    I missed you too. At least we can talk this way, right? ...Unless you have a cellphone that we can text with...

  3. I don't really use any messengers. I can't go on the computer for as long as I used to. =[ But its okay. lol Missed you!
  4. Ah ha. XD
    I figured it was something like that. Do you use MSN or something like that now?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 19 of 19
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