Conversation Between Martin and Unknown Entity

140 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aww hun, I'm glad - I really am. Being all food poisoned is terrible...

    Erm. I dunno what happened really - mum took something really personal and said something along the lines of "I bet your dad is... blah blah blah." It was as if I had said I love dad more than you, which is not true. I love my mum infinitie times more than my dad because it was her who brought me up, supported me and was there when I needed a hug. It made me feel low and crap... My eyes are still puffy 24hours later I cried so much.
  2. Yeah, got it all out of me, on the mend

    Do you want to talk about the problem at home sweetie? You know how to get hold of me if you want to... I want to send you a Christmas Card too dear
  3. Aww no! I hope you are ok hun. :S

    I'm feeling under the weather - got caught in the damn heavy rain on Saturday, and cried a lot about something which happened at home which didn't help. Only highlight of my day so far was getting a card from Mrs Matthews!
  4. Food poisoned... feel like I'm cursed sometimes haha
    How is you dahhhling?
  5. No worries hun! I was around my dads and didn't get back until late yesterday.

    How are youpies?
  6. Sorry I missed you tonight hun!
    Hope you're ok ^^.
  7. I had to go again hun! Sorwey... Mums on my case again... -_-;;

    Nightie night!
  8. Aw! Poor little thing... You gotta give him a little rub under the chin from me when you next see him!

    He liks to dip his head up and down? Like a nodding dog? Maybe a little less scary version though... Aw...
  9. Hell I guess he'd love me then haha... Aw he sounds like the cutest little doggy

    It'll be a wee while yet bless him. He seems to get ill a lot, he's the weakest of the litter which makes me just love him more haha, could be a couple of months or into the new year though...

    I'll take lots of photos when I get him though!!!

    I call him Dippy because he loves to dip his head up and down, it's so sweet.

  10. Rolo has a thing for gloves... If you wear them, he likes to play bite your hands. Oh, and blond people. He falls in love with blond people...

    Dippy is a lovely name! When do you get to take him home?
  11. Oh he is. He's the most adorable big border collie out there

    Haha I looked at how big they'd be without linking them and they'd take up your whole VM page

    Tess is a good girl, but she's a weird little dog. She has fascinations with shins... Heehee. Love her though. Dippy shall indeed be my hedgie! Can't wait to see him again either. Would cheer me up something chronic I guess.
  12. Hehe, lol! I'm guessing Bobby is pretty damn cute then! I love dogs like that... What breed is that again?

    Good idea with the links too... wish I thought of that...

    And Tess is lovely too... Aw... I'm guessing that Dippy is gonna be your Hedgehog?

  13. (This isn't Bob sadly, it's the closest picture I could find that looks like him, but he's practically the spitting image of this)

    And this would be Tess.

    I'd have posted them as images on here but they would be gigantic haha, I mean HUGE! Ha bless him, need of a trim, I bet he'll love that. And exactly, glasses be a small price to pay indeed.

    I'm going to join that club when I get Dippy ^^.
  14. He is in need of a haircut... he keeps bumping into things because he can't see through his fur...

    I think I may need some glasses. I read quite a lot, and sometimes my eyes start to hurt... Better wearing glasses than giving up a good read though.

    I can't wait to see lol! I might join the Pets club...
  15. Rolo is adorable though *swoons*

    I need glasses ha, I keep bumping into things and people incidentally but well... I might book in for an eye test soon on top of everything else haha! I don't blame you for not wearing them often though...

    Ahh now I have some... not of mine bizarrely, but Tess, my cousin's dog. She's a odd little thing... I may have some of Bobby too, I'll just take a look
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