Conversation Between Robbo and Meier Link

40 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey dude just thought i'd check up on my buddy, see how things are
  2. Assassins Creed II is just Epic
  3. Haha I bet that would be some ffun but I do nee to do some gaming tonight. I just got a TV Thursday and I haven't got to game in months and it is bugging me now that I picked up both Prince of Persia and Assassins Creed II.
  4. you dont need a mic there is an IM part and you can just listen to Polk tease my englishness
  5. Nope, no Skype for me. Also no web cam, microphone, and I have crappy speakers on this lappy haha. I will in fact be on PSN in about ummmm 5 minutes. There I do have a head set but I will be rocking Prince of Persia.
  6. Hey if you want to do a skype thing me Mel alpha and Sabin are talking now and Rocky said he might come back on when he gets back in. do you have skype?
  7. Oh yes also added on to Last VM was i the first Brit to participate in one of those?
  8. Hey Meier sorry you couldnt do the Toga night last week hope you enjoyed Trick or treating haha. You doing anything this friday cause theres no good Firework displays near mine so ill probably stay in. I actually posted about it in CPC8 group but i dont think anyone else is free
  9. Nope, all I have is PSN and that is down and out for the moment seeing that I don't have a working TV. Never been much of an Xbox kind of guy.
  10. Oh right now i get it (kind of). Nice system.
    Do you Have XBL?
  11. At the end of the 45 days all temp members will be removed from CPC8. A discussion thread will then be opened for the conversations of existing CPC8 members to discuss the fate of each temp member.
  12. So you guys have Started Judging us, or what? Gah processes confuse Marks
  13. it was 45 days after the initial acceptance as a temp member. So a day after all of your postings in CPC8.
  14. Hey how many days are left until me Rhapso and Bodypillow are judged in CPC8, i forgot a little.
  15. I don't see anything wrong with it but you might want to hit Ally (oceaneyes) or Ann (Violet) up about it because that is their area of the forum (WG/H)
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 40
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