Conversation Between Dragoon_Nick and Furore

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. i'll take mozzarella...
  2. You know, you're right, sorry for being like that. I'm just paranoid i always...

    Chat on msn soon...
  3. Dude, seriously, calm down. I haven't been doing shit lately besides playing Flyff with Ann. No-one else from TFF, just Ann. And while I have a full screen game playing, and can chat to Ann via the ingame chat, how am I supposed to be saying crap behind your back?

    All I've said is that I would remain neutral until the metaphorical rock is thrown. I don't see Dim bringing this affair into the spotlight, and I was hoping you wouldn't neither. Chill out and settle this in a way that'll cause less strife.
  4. Dude, I saw that note to Toph. That was a touch low, don'tcha think? I mean dragging MSN dramas into the public eye, seriously.
    I'm trying to be neutral still, but that shit pisses me off.
  5. For a minute, i thought it was lover of cheese
  6. Nickkkkk Why Haven't You Been Talking On Msn When You're In The Same Room As Me Fishers And Annnnnnn???!!!!!

  7. So basically, everyone will befriend everyone. Its gonna be one huge ass friend chain!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 22 of 22
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