Conversation Between Alpha and Locke4God

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah you're right I don't use google either. Try xvideos. All Free, All the time. Sorted by taste, and hours of good times. Try a beer before you check it out.

    "Game Occassionally" - That's the key word. Good for you. We're actually on the same page. I game occassionally too.

    And yes, I do live a fulfilled life. I'll be in St Augustine with my wife this week. Going to Chicago next week to visit my best man for his birthday. My brother was in town with his girl two weeks ago and we went to Disney. I just hosted a dinner party for my wifes friends over the weekend. I was in Vegas for a wedding last month, in Gainesville for another wedding two weeks before that. I had 12 friends over for New Years. And oh yeah, porn is great sometimes ;-)
  2. Why are those things you listed mutually exclusive? I have a very fulfilled life, and I game occasionally. I raced Chocobos because it was challenging, because it was in a game that I chose to pay for, and because it's the only way to get Tidus' ultimate weapon, which I wanted because I aimed to complete other challenging tasks in the game. The dark aeons, which are not in the US version, are incredibly challenging, and you almost require Tidus' Caladbolg.

    You wouldn't know because you're too busy living a fulfilled life... and using Google to find skin?
  3. Actually no. There is enjoying different things, and then there's being a lard ass, and several things could distinguish the two. For instance people who eat squid or go sky diving are trying different things. People who have logged 10,000 hours in WOW, are being lard asses. People who travel to new cities, join new clubs or develop new skills are trying different things. People who obsesses of jumping lightening bolts and racing chocobos when those very games were designed just to see who was dumb enough to do it, are lard asses.

    And what's wrong with porn? Google Tory Lane Vanessa Lane Threesome and tell me you don't like it ;-)
  4. Lol. Again, just because different people enjoy different things does not make them a "loser". Besides, you recently told TFF that you spend your spare time gawping at porns.
  5. Have a read of this, Locke:

    Fareed Zakaria, 'The Rise of Illiberal Democracy', Foreign Affairs, 1997.

    It's all about "constitutional liberal" democracy versus "illiberal" democracy, I think you'll find it interesting.

    To summarise it, Fareed Zakaria (a conservative) argues that now that the Cold War is over, democracy is spreading. To most Western nations, democracy means free, constitutional or liberal democracy; terms which are interchangeable. However, Zakaria argues that in most newly-democratised states, there is no freedom (in the sense that democracy is separate from liberalism).

    Zakaria is concerned that democracy is only flourishing as a procedure, and the usually coincidental process of constitutional liberalism is not. In his words, “the battle is far from over.”

    He comes down hard on democratic majoritarianism, and is a big fan of constitutions.

    He says that the Western liberal democratic tradition rests on Greek and Roman traditions (which is inaccurate, but I'll let it slide).

    Basically, I just read this article and wrote an essay on it, and I kept thinking of you during it. Yes, it is ammunition for you, but I have my own counter-arguments, and I just figured you'd enjoy it.

  6. Hmm, that polar bear theory makes a lot of sense. It's so easy to lose track of Lost, because you can get caught on one mystery, while another is being created. Almost to annoy me haha.
  7. June? Wow,,, Yeah I'll have watched the whole season by then. Ours starts in January. You might want to check on that, but if you're right, I'll be sure to spoil the whole the for you :-)

    The Polar Bear? You know it just goes to show you that there's not one thing on this show that's not steeped in mystery. You're right it's impossible to figure anything out. The best thing I've heard on the Polar Bears is that they were brought to the Island to be trained to turn the Frozen Donkey wheel in order to move the island without sending a human being off island. That explain why Charlotte found a dead one in the desert. It sounds like a very reasonable theory, but as you said, who knows.

    I read 2 good ones just yesterday. One is that Christian Shephard is an Other, and similarly to Eloise Hawking's relationship to Daniel, had gone off island to raise Jack for the purpose of having him do what he's doing right now. In other words he killed himself on purpose so that Jack could go to Austrailia and thus get to the island. The 2nd one I read was that Ben has actually been in cahoots with Jacob all along in order to fool The Man in Black, and so his whole attitude at the end of Season 5, where he acts like he knows absolutely nothing was purely an act.
  8. I love Lost, but all my theories are wrong

    It's impossible to theorise about it when everything just comes way out of left field. And there are so many things I don't understand, that it's hard to get on top. I would appreciate answers to at least a few of my questions before they gave me some more questions...

    OK, so first thing's first. What the F*UCK is up with the polar bear? I don't think you've seen anymore episodes than I (though we get them very late; I think the new season will start in June for me).
  9. Alpha I appreciate this comment. Thank you very much. It does rub me the wrong way when people, esspecially people that live here, denounce this country. I'm just very proud of our history and I love living here, and I'm glad that you understand that.

    But hey, what about LOST. That show kicks some serious ass, and I can't wait for January. You have any thoughts on it? Theories? Are you going to watch FlashForward?
  10. Hey I know we disagree, but I never meant my 'anti-American' comments to be offensive, whether or not you saw them that way. But any fan of Lost is a friend of mine.
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