Conversation Between Fate and RamesesII

257 Visitor Messages

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  1. Uhm, like three months ago, I think? ^_^; Well, how am I suppose to if I'm not in your contact list, hmm? >=( Add me: [email protected]

  2. WHEN???? and how come you have never talked to me so hurt right now
  3. Ahem, I do have one. =P
  4. When are you going to get a msn account?
  5. I don't really no what your on about, actually. Do eye seam like eye am annoyed, hmm? ^ ~
  6. Your a person over their and Im over hear, but wear different in the fact that you live in you're country and i live in mine. pfft randomness just eavesdropping some of your convos thought I would try and annoy you.
  7. I don't know ask an australian
  8. Never smile at a crocodile? How come?
  9. You have to be kidding me right I can do Koala's and Kookaburra's I can even do a Tiger but no I don't do crocodiles anyway you know what they say never smile at a crocodile.
  10. Oh, my God, you have kookaburras? =O Surely you tamed a wild crocodile by wrestling it, too?
  11. Yeah I do I have a genetically modified army of them as well as rocket propelled Kangaroos and Kookaburras with steel feathers.
  12. Get your koalas to sniff her out. And don't tell me you don't have any, because I know for a fact that you do.
  13. Ok well If I can send her tim tams over the internet Im sure I can track her down.
  14. You must stalk her, Master. Find where she's at and throw a computer with Internet access at her, but be sure not to kill her.
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