Conversation Between GypsyElder and che

246 Visitor Messages

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  1. Best shit evar.
  2. I'm sorry I left your testing. There was a party in my living room.

    Please forgive me! <3 you Mel
  3. Okay I might just be flipping out, but I thought this since I first saw the trailer. I convinced myself no but now i've convinced myself yes again. You can tell me to stfu when it's wrong, but if it's right you have to buy me cupcakes or something. The voice from the kenshin trailer sounds like Ken Watanabe - IMDb. And I think he's Saitou Hajime. Or Jin-e Udo. Thoughts? I mean, who exactly is narrating the trailer?
  4. Hi you.
  5. ^^;
  6. HAHAHAHAHAA OMG that happened when my brother summoned me to help him with that boss. He just fell off of the edge and we were like "OMFG YES HAHAHAHA!".
  7. hahahahah lets be in a relationship! my plan is starting to work out! yessssssssss
  8. So Reggie text me earlier like "Soo, is he your boyfriend?"

    My Response: "Yep."
  9. Ok girl <3<3<3<3<3
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 246
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