Conversation Between Hero without a Name and Firefly

153 Visitor Messages

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  1. Merry Christmas to you too All of my family is getting sick with different things: pnuemonia,stomach virus,the flu,etc. I hope I don't get all of them,a chest cold is enough for me lol.
  2. Sorry to hear about the cold, I've had a little tickle in my throat lately, I hope I'm not becoming sick. I need to be alert and awake for work. Ah well. Merry christmas
  3. Eh,I am doing a bit of a chest cold but other than that I'm fine lol. :3
  4. Things are ok, I'm just looking forward to boxing day so I can buy a psp. Besides that, I'm good. How u doing mlady?
  5. Lol,tis fine :3 So have things been getting better for you?
  6. Hey Firefly, I'm sorry I've been away for some long....just needed to take care of things out here and I forgot to check up on you...some hero I am I pray you can forgive me for my lack of protecting ye mlady
  7. Hero..I haven't talked to you in foreverrrr. How are you doing?
  8. Tis alright :3 And I'm sorry about how things are going for ya,you should take a vaca or something I am fine,a bit tired as well,and sick of school :/
  9. Hey Firefly

    Sorry for last response, I've just been busy with school and life...feeling better over my ex just tired from working ALL THE TIME. I hate my job lol. How u doing?
  10. OMG! Are you serious? Thats insane,but you did the right thing. Anyways Happy Thanksgiving,hope your day/life gets a turn for the best
  11. For shame lol....hope things are ok....things are uh...I dunno. I just broke up with my ex girl because she told me she was cheating on yeah. Feeling like crap right now
  12. Bahaha I would sing with you,but I have forgotton most of the song ...I am ashamed lol :[
  13. Why do I tire of counting sheep (please take me away from here) when I'm far too tired to fall asleep
  14. Leave my door open just a crack (please take me away from here) etc etc etc lol :]
  15. I'd like to make myself believe, that planet earth turns slowly. It's hard to say I'd rather stay away when I'm asleep, cause everything is never as it seems when I fall asleep
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 153
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