Conversation Between Xanatos and Rowan

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  1. It's definitely one of the best anime series I've seen not just recently, but in general. The only fillers I ever enjoyed were those of FMA, in other words the entire original FMA series. I hate fillers probably as much as you do, one of my favorite shows ended with rather horrible filler episodes, to this day I like to pretend that never happened.
  2. At least you enjoyed it. It sounds like you prefer filler episodes? I cannot stand them, I feel like im wasting my time when I watch them.
  3. That would be the end of Code Geass for me. It's good, great in fact, although there are lot of scenes and characters that seem out of place considering the overall plot. I feel the serie lacks some epic characters, Lelouch's great and all but aside him and few other that only played minor role there's none that really impressed me. The ending was brilliant though. I personally wouldn't place it next to FMA which consists mostly out of fillers let alone FMA Brotherhood or Death Note, but that's just me.
  4. Yeah, just wait until you get into the second season, thats when things get really crazy, but in a good way.
  5. 8 episodes into Code Geass, so far, so good. It kinda reminds me of Death Note plus Gundam, which is a good thing.
  6. In no way is what im about to say an over exaggeration. The reason I stopped watching anime was because I honestly didnt believe anything could top code geass on any level. Ive seen about 20 or 30 series and nothing has been able to be as awesome as code geass. Its the anime to end all anime.

    If you are itching for something truly great and you havnt seen it, then it would be the absolute number 1 must for you. Death note was a great anime and so was FMA. Havnt seen gungrave.

    If you do watch it, you will get hooked on it. Theres 2 seasons so i think theres a total of 48 episodes. Never research it online, theres many spoilers afoot, especially with this particular anime.
  7. Is Code Geass really that good? I've been itching for a truly great anime for quite some time now (something on par with FullMetal Alchemist, GunGrave or Death Note) and these last few recommendations I got were awful to say the least.
  8. They should definitely add more games on PSN, I personally would love to see Wargames Defcon 1 and Panzer Front there since those games seem to be almost impossible to get even via not all that legal way.
  9. Wow, i didnt know that. Kimeramon doesn't look all that cool to me though. I like the evil machinedramon, thats sick. I hope they release dw2 on psn as well as a lot of other games too.
  10. Even lower, first DNA digivolution happens when your original Digimon reaches level 15. As for the ranks, it goes rookie, champion, ultimate and finally mega, there's a level prior to rookie but does not appear in Digimon World 2.

    You do get an extra dungeon after beating the game called Terra domain. Only rare Digimon appear in it, it has 99 floors and takes approximately four hours to reach the final floor. According to Bandai, the ultimate Digimon called Kimeramon may appear on the last floor but the chances are slim, 1:666, as you can amuse no one ever really saw him let alone caught him, not even via emulator, although you can use gameshark codes to unlock him.
  11. ahh now I remember! they go from Ultimate To mega. What are the two ranks before that? i think theres Rookie and one other. Its so hard to get to Mega. You have max their level before you DNA digivolve them and then that allows you +2 levels. the first DNA digivolve has to happen at either level 16-17 or 18.
  12. I totally forgot about Colosseum, the first time you gain accesses to it you're already vastly superior to your opponents as most probably you have at least one ultimate in your team while your opponents still use rookies, though it does get fun later on.
  13. interesting review on Digimon world 2. I really enjoyed that game when I played it. I think the replayability could be a little higher. The amount of effort it takes to raise a digimon from low evolution to max evolution is truly a grueling process and many would only make 1 or 2 (2 if they catch the metalGreymon wandering around one of the zones). I think the arena at town is worth mentioning too. You get to battle some pretty powerful digimon there. The improvements made to the buggy (forget the name of it now) were also pretty interested and worth farming as they made traversing lengthy dungeons much easier. I hope they release it on psn soon, because I'd love to play that game again.
  14. I used to watch X-Files with my dad when I was a kid, I think I still have the first season on VHS tapes somewhere in the attic. It's still one of my favorite shows, latest movie though was a huge letdown, I fell asleep through half of it.
  15. Thats okay, theres no rush. Whenever you've got the time id appreciate it. Im pretty busy too these days. X-files is my new favorite tv show, im a little late haha. Ive got all 9 seasons and one of the movies. My favourite episode is probably bad blood where mulder and scully tell their version of events.
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