Conversation Between OutlawTorn and Rowan

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Its very neon-genesis evangelion-esk at the moment. I love it so far , haha. Ill keep you posted on my progress
  2. LOL

    Kisvel and Aveh are at war. The religeous organization Ethos is excavating the gears. Gebler is the group that took Aveh's part in the war.

    You're coming along, but the true plot hasn't even taken center stage yet. Not unlike any great Squaresoft game, the story blossoms like a wild flower, peeking in it's beauty.

    I'm afraid I can't spoil anything for you.
  3. Hey there
    Im currently on the ydrassil ship trying to be convinced by barts to pilot the gear. So far the gist Im getting is that there is a war going on between 2 parties (I forget the names, help me remember) and the bad guys are trying to aquire land for excavation of gears in search of an ancient powerful gear and the good guys dont want that to happen. So they warr'd it out, bad guys were actually losing, but then out of nowhere a third party came to assist the bad guys and now the bad guys have an overwhelming power and have been causing havoc over the lands. Right now, Fei and the Doc are with barts and crew after escaping the desert baddies and are about to come up with a plan not only to fight back, but to put barts back into power as the rightful ruler.

    Hows that?
  4. As juicy and enthrawling as the story may be, don't rush to move it forward. Get a steady amour of grinding in each area, but particularly with each character.

    There are TONS of secrets, sub-quests, and Easter eggs in the game. Explore as much as possible. If it looks like you can get up to something, try every possible approach.

    Basically, savor every moment, and be prepared for some of the harder boss battles.
  5. I started xenogears the other night and im loving it so far. I was just wondering, is there any tips you could give me that you wish you had of known on your first playthrough?
  6. Hey im gonna get saga frontier also. Stay active around here, I may ask you for some help on xenogears at some point, perhaps.

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