Conversation Between Chez Daja and RagnaToad

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  1. I think considerated, but I love the fact that somebody might've been charged by a cow. I know it sounds awful, and I don't want anybody to get hurt, but the image of a cow going batshit and chasing somebody around is hugely amusing to me.

    Yes, we are talking about cows being very dangerous entities that look for people to make trouble with.
  2. Perhaps that is just because people don't go near sharks as often as they do with cows? ^^
    Or was that brought into consideration in the "fun fact"?
    I'm not really afraid of cows, they just stand there, grazing away, looking stupid. They are so easy to scare of.

    Though I'd never come near a bull. Certainly not during spring/summer or whatever their mating time of preference is O_o.

    Are we actually talking about the dangers of cows?
  3. Hahahaha. I like it. Frogs and toads are kind of creepy in a weird way. And cows are pretty scary; apparently you're more likely to be charged by a cow than be attacked by a shark.
    Did you know that? I didn't until the other day, but now I'm scared of seeing a cow head at my window at night.
  4. Haha, no judgement intended.

    You should know what my e-mail adress means in Dutch.

    A possible translation would be something like "Bovine dude". Yes, bovine, not divine. I'm not in love with frogs, toads or cows whatsoever though.
  5. Shame about not having any relation to HypnoToad. I don't know why that's a shame. I must just really like HypnoToad, haha. I loll'ed about toadhead, though.

    Yeah, I'm heretic. Don't judge me for that will you? I was 15 when I chose it.

    And yeah! Dirty profile spammer, I'll totally ban you and stuff.
  6. Never mind, I saw "Silent Hill" somewhere so I know it's you.

    I'm actually spamming your profile, but I'm not gonna apologise.

    Cause I'm bad like that.

  7. Unless you are heretic... ?
  8. Hm.
    I think I accepted your MSN but I can't seem to find your name anywhere O_o
  9. rest of the VM:

    I guess the Ragnarok kind of grew on me, it being an ancient word and all. A friend of mine said I had a "toadhead" back in the day, due to my hairstyle, which I guess was kind of fair . So I thought about changing my name to Toadhead (I might have actually done that for a few days or so), but I found a combination of the way too cool sounding Ragnarok and the lame Toadhead to be my thing.

    I guess I still like the Ragna part because I'm studying literatur of Germanic languages, so I don't feel the need to change it.

    The Toad is kind of weird I realise now, but I guess that makes it kind of original.

    It's better than "Rox_ur_Sox" or "Bahamut-lover" or whatever. I never liked solely FF-based names, but thats everyone's choice I guess.

    And woh this VM is turning out to be long ^^

  10. ha. In French "chez" means "at". So they tend to call restaurants "Chez Marie" (for example) over there. Something in the nature of "At Luigi's". So I thought you alluded to that and tried to sound like, err, a French restaurant ^^.

    RagnaToad has actually nothing to do with the Toad spell in some FFs, like some members might assume. I didn't even know there was one when I got this name. I called myself Ragnarok first, because it is an old Germanic word meaning "the end of the world", a phenomenon where "all will be right" and the mighty gods will end things, or something. (Though I only learned that shortly after I already picked the name.) I just liked the word, and it was a spaceship and a mighty sword.
  11. It's alright; I usually assume most people from the web are from the US. I knew a girl a while ago who I thought was from the US and it turned out that she lived half an hour away from me!

    Nah, shamefully "Chez" was a nickname I was given as a child by my friends; I don't know why really. "Daja" was a name I gave myself when I was younger because I hated my real name and would've taken any other name to get out of being named after some garden variety weed.
    Nowadays though, I just use Daisy; I've learnt not to hate it. What I do hate is when people say "Oooooh, Daisy! That's such a CUTE name!!!" ...I know five people with cats named Daisy.

    And don't feel insulted about the Ireland being better thing; you're probably right, haha.

    So where does "RagnaToad" come from? Because it always reminded me of "HypnoToad" on Futurama, hahaha. See HypnoToad:
  12. Don't feel insulted but I always assumed you were from the US or something. It makes far more sense that you're from the UK though, considering what you are like.

    And I've always wondered, the "Chez", is that like in the French word?
    And the "Daja" is that like some weird form of your actual name?

    EDIT: And now I feel like a total a-hole for saying "Ireland is so much better". O_o
  13. Haha, well I'm glad. Really, the UK isn't all that bad. I live in Southern England I'm surrounded by three different cities (including London) but the area itself isn't as bad as people might think. There's a lot of crime here, which is the real downfall... I guess that's what I get for living on an industrial estate, though. That said, Northern England is nice. It's pretty secluded in some places up there too (my boyfriend lives in a valley, for example!)
    I've not been to Ireland but it's meant to be really lovely there. We used to get adverts for "Visit Ireland" brochures on TV, but the ad's aren't really as prolific lately; possibly for obvious reasons as much I hate to say it.

    You can call me Daisy; I prefer it to Chez these days anyway.
  14. Ha. I consider that a compliment! some people thought I was from the UK but Ireland is so much better.

    I do study English Literature and that includes Irish novels (James Joyce, Jonathan Swift, Seamus Deane). And so odd of you to say that now, since for the past months my sympathy for Ireland has really grown. I've been reading a lot about the country and am seriously considering going backpacking there with my girlfriend.

    Beause I don't know if you can say you love a country without having been there, I feel almost obliged to go. I know a lot about its history and culture, but seeing what nature is like over there is something else.

    you made my day with that comment, Chez. (I'd call you Daisy, but it has been so long since I was "socially allowed" to.)

  15. You know, when you first joined the boards, I always had the impression that you were Irish. God knows why.
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