Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and Sarah

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't remember Daria's Aunt Amy. When does she enter the series? You should be whoever you want to be. Don't let anyone squash your dreams. If you want to be Daria, then for goodness sakes be Daria!

    I was also thinking, and there aren't that many guy characters in the series that aren't dumb or evil. Heh. Palinism. that was unintentional; I was just being lazy. I guess I am Trent. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  2. I've been informed that I'm like Daria's Aunt Amy in many ways. When I asked what ways, I got a response of "all of them." Palinisms are funny for answers, but not when I actually want one. So I guess I'm Amy. I'll use Daria for now, though. I like her. =)
  3. I dunno. Do you think I'm like Trent? I just picked my favorite character... but he's probably the one I'm most like, too, I guess. Or Tom... my namesake. La la la...

    Daria and/or Jane would be good for you. Daria could be emotional too, sometimes. Just not all that expressive. So maybe Jane. *shrug* Who knows? Ask someone more qualified than me! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. Daria themed avies!! I took your idea for yourself. It should spread among the group. Who would be who, though? WHO?!

    Hmmm... perhaps I should be Jane in stead. I am a tad bit too emotional to be Daria. Oooh, but I do like her so.
  5. Meh. TFF is still like it was six months ago. (I don't know why I thought it would be different.) I'll talk to you on MSN when I get internets.
  6. *waves goodbye as you run away* XD

    Here's to us both getting full time jobs that don't suck!

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  7. You're always here when I'm not, dammit. Or when I'm being a goober and not paying attention. On the the XD. Think of it this way... the D is a really big, open-mouthed grin, the X is anime squinty eyes like >< So it's super, hyper happy.

    Good luck to the not running out of money. I'm working on that, myself. I wish someone would hire me already...

    *hug* *run away*
  8. I enjoy the "XD" face. It is interesting, particularly since I am not always sure what it is implying.

    I shall see about that package deal in the future, maybe. Or maybe I'll run out of money before I can do much and go back to my parents' (which would be kinda lame.) Who knows. Thankee for the reference, however. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  9. Nevermind. I should have read your thread, first. Um, there sometimes are good deals with Comcast for package bundles. Check it out if you Comcast is available in your area.
  10. Hi. XD So are you really gone?
  11. 'Allo!
  12. Taco!
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