Conversation Between Aerif and Yoko

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ah, sorry. I'm being mean again. Or just straight forward and blunt as usual... : /

    I think networking is necessary for any kind of job. In my lifetimes, I have learn it's all about who you know. Not necessarily what you do.
  2. Basically the situation is that to get a job as a designer you need to have either the perfect networking strategy of industry professionals or previous experience. Tunisia = guarunteed experience, since I have the job already - also I suppose it is a worldly adventure. Internships and stuff exist but maybe one a year appears in the country, it's very difficult to break into.

    Two slips today then, I am catholic. I can accept that you don't have the same beliefs as I but be a bit nicer, eh?

    The humour was fine of course, remember that British humour is just humour in Britain. More to do with David Walliams and Matt Lucas dressing up in blackface and brownface to portray certain characters - which they did before in Little Britain anyway. It would be very weird to have a show set in London without having a racially diverse cast, and it was a white-comedy duo playing most of the parts so it was almost bound to happen.
  3. Haha, forgive my absent mindedness. That presentation in your journal should have been an indicator. Yes. It is cut throat. Why go there for that though? Oo;

    I used to be catholic. Then I realized I hated the lies. I know there's something, but it remains nameless. I like it better that way.

    Ah, it IS racist. And absolutely hilarious. Its different though. Its harmless imo. Us airport folk joke like that all the time. Maybe those jokes are best kept in the dark and away from those 'normal'/uninformed people.
  4. No I'm not a missionary silly, I'm a game designer. Absolutely cut throat.

    The religion was sarcasm because people know I practice religion despite being a game designer. In a group of around 120 developers, I was the only one with any faith at all.

    I've actually been waiting for a new series of that programme, when it was first shown it got a lot criticism from some of the London tabloids because it had been really hyped by BBC1, and was premiered on Christmas day, a lot of people didn't like it though and thought some of it was racist or childish. But that's what people like. And racism is such a fun word to throw around anyway.
  5. Hahaha. I've seen it. A co-worker showed me. The brits are ****ing hilarious. I want to buy the series so I can enjoy all of them instead of aimlessly looking on youtube for episodes.

    Ooh. Religion. Still an interesting adventure for sure. I would think the tele/film industry is less ruthless, but what do I know. Don't get me started on religion though. I lose.
  6. Oh you and your ways.

    That reminds me, if you ever get the chance, watch the BBC series 'Come Fly With Me', very funny with airport setting, I can't remember when it was shown maybe last Christmas or the Christmas before. Since it's British there's only like 6 episodes or something. I'm sure you have your ways of finding television programmes when they're not on the air.

    I'm going to Tunisia on a work placement - nothing noble like teaching children to read and give up their heathen Gods in exchange for a catholic bible. I think it's something MMO related, but it is really just an excuse to get experience in an industry as ruthless as the film and television industry.
  7. Balls are informed? Who's your informant? Maybe you have so much brain power, you can read minds O: I wouldn't be surprised.

    I won't be personally attacking anyone. I feel like I've been trashed though, and its not a nice feeling. I've been in this position before though so I know what not to do. The one thing I don't do (or haven't done) is deal with i-rate passengers. I've dealt with passengers who have an opinion, but not the angry ones. I'm ignoring this at least until my own stress levels dwindle down to a level I can function properly.

    North Africa is an interesting place to visit. What is the reason for the adventure?

    I am momentarily non-stressed because uni finished for the year back in April. It won't start again until September although I don't think I'll be back until October, that'll be the Honours year and possibly the most stressful yet. Joy.

    Also, I had no idea I appeared stressed at times. Haha.

    Also I'm emigrating for a few months to north Africa, in 10 days time. That's stressful but only through thoughts rather than workload. Bombshell.

    I hope the mess clears up soon to. It's clear to me that he didn't consider it a fraternity, he considered it a group of the 'elite and most respected men on the forum', although I don't see what that says about those of us who aren't members of it . But yes, I see it calming down soon as long as personal attacks don't start, I'm very informed about what is going on. Very informed. Like, as informed as balls. (I never understood that phrase before, and I still don't.)
  9. Haha, I see the meaning. If this was an airport I would have visited everyone already

    I'm just glad its nothing overly serious. No one is hurt or bleeding. No limbs lost. No money lost. And no one is getting charged. No fines have been issued. Ugh.

    Still upsetting to see. I hope it passes.

    How have you been? You seem to be less stressed than usual.
  10. But it is, think of all the international people.


    Ooh, people have baggage to. And there are baggage handlers. And customs. And the weirdos who seem to be there without any real purpose.

    I'm making this work, and nobody can stop me.
  11. We're lucky this isn't an airport then.
  12. Aye aye! Thankies!!
  13. I was about to do that right now, you'll notice the social group image just changed a few minutes ago

    Also waiting on a new name for the group to be implemented.
  14. Can I be let back into the Al-ha group? ...Everyones going to change their name soon anyway (as far as I know), then Alpha is going to be the only one left. lol.
  15. Hey-lo!
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