Conversation Between Fate and xTidus

603 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes, yes, GOOD IDEA! I'm going to buy it online me thinks.
  2. Oh, just buy online, then. XD
  3. I'm great! I would play them but my laptop can't support a ps2 emulator and games like that are hard to come by nower days. I KNOW THREE DAYS GRACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. You should try those games, they're amazing! 8D
    So how are you today~? =)
    And Three Days grace! 8D
  5. Never played it. Watched a lets play though!
  6. He's from Tales of the Abyss! =D Have you played it?
  7. What game is it from?
  8. Thankies~! =D It's my favorite video game villain!
  9. Nice new avi!
  10. But black hair is totally better than brown. Dx
    Actually, your hair doesn't look pure black in that picture of you that you showed me, either. ^_~
  11. It's not!
    I like the summer where my eyes go blue and my hair goes brown. That's when I get the most attention if you know what I mean?
  12. Your hair color and eye color change? That's pretty sweet. =D My hair is just black--permanently. >.>
  13. It's summer. Well, it's spring but my hair starts to get brighter around now.
  14. I know, I'm pretty damn lovable, aren't I? ^_~
    Now that first-class ticket would be nice. <3
    And how did your hair get [brown] now? =(
  15. I couldn't agree more. I love you more and more these days
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 603
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