Conversation Between Darkwave and Ralz

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. I will with my gold armour that i have on, lol
  2. Lucky you. My biggest adventure so far was seeing how fast I could get to the grocery store and back. Anyway, avoid those snakes... and baby kangaroos... and stuff that looks like it could bite... That stuff!
  3. I hope so too. I am moving from perth to sydney and i never been there., My partner is from there and she wanted to go back there, so i said why not? I look at it like my own little ff adventure
  4. 4 months, huh? That's a long time to be away from your family. Well, I hope it's a safe reunion!
  5. I hope so too. when i go back home I get to see my daughter i haven't seem for 3-4 months. so that would be good
  6. Let's hope not. Anyway, I hope your trip gets exciting sometime! ^^
  7. it is actually winter here and i seen heaps of kangaroos at my job. They are everywhere. Maybe one day they might take over the world,lol
  8. Australia, must been EXTREMELY hot this time of year. Watch out for those kangaroos!
  9. good, been moving to the otherside of australia. Besides that bored,lol
  10. Ah, hello Darkwave. How are you?
  11. whats up?
  12. Yep. And one step closer to that check.
  13. hey at the end of the day it gos on your resume.
  14. Yeah, I can't expect much from either a bagging or reshelving job, but I still gotta do it.
  15. I should be alright, at least you get to experience something different. It is exciting when yo get one
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 43
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