Conversation Between ZantetsukeN and Xanatos

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  1. My guess is either Electro or Mysterio, the way the entire scene played out and from what I read points to both of them, some say it might even be Morbius.

    I would love to see a new Flash movie, I still recall the old one, it was garbage, but I still loved it =D

    Great news! The second season of Mortal Kombat Legacy was announced, this time though it will be more about the tournament itself, I wouldn't mind seeing another origin story or two.
  2. Yeah, Spiderman 2 is great, best of the trilogy for sure. I thought Doc Ock was great in that film. I did have my reservations about the Lizard in this one, but I thought Rhys Ifans was a hell of a choice for Doc Connors. He put a great spin on an already great character.

    My first thought about the guy in the final scene was that it was Cletus Kasady/Carnage and we might have a 'proper' Venom saga in the next film. Well, I can dream can't I? lol Also, it would make sense with the Venom film coming out, and they will probably save Carnage for the main Spiderman series.

    Thanos will be great as the villain in the next Avengers. Also, I heard the Submariner would be in it! Super happy with this, Namor is one of my favourites.

    I consider myself more of a DC fan nowadays, but they need to step up with the films. The Nolan Batman films are great, and The Man Of Steel could be promising. Green Lantern was also good, but had a lot of holes. They NEED to hurry up and make a Flash film though.

    That was also a pretty epic picture. I lol'd haha
  3. Spiderman 2 had bigger "WOW" impact on me for sure which is only natural, and who can forget that epic train scene. Nevertheless, I can't stress enough how much I agree with you on Garfield being better Spiderman. Spiderman has always been little bit cocky and had great sense of humor, Tobey never managed to pull that off. Villains are one thing though both movies did equally great, Lizard turned out to be better than I expected. Now that I've seen the infamous after credits scene I can't stop guessing who that misteryous person might be.

    That was a great scene as well. Thanos will be one hell of a villain for sure. One can hope Justice League to be equally good, if they ever do make it that is.

    As much as Marvel fan in me hates to admit I always go back to The Dark Knight, although X-Men First Class is close second.

    And now, something random and funny... you have no idea just how much I laughed at this picture.
  4. I know right? I thought Amazing Spider-Man was better than all the previous films, even Spider-Man 2. It's hurts me to say that, but I thought it was indeed that good.

    I thought Avengers was great too. The Loki/Hulk scene was one of my favourites. My favourite part was probably the fight in the forest though.

    As good as they both were, they still weren't as good as X-Men: First Class, easily my favourite Superhero film ever made.
  5. IGN can suck my ****, The Amazing Spiderman was indeed amazing, saw it today. I'm still not sure which one I prefer, this one or Spiderman 2. I also saw The Avengers, two hours of pure awesomness, that Hulk vs Loki scene was priceless.
  6. Haha that's how good it is

    Green Lantern (the Hal Jordan version) is probably in my top 5 comic characters, so I love pretty much love all of it. That being said, I don't know whether the Blackest Night series is the best place to start. Blackest Night is more of a collective of all the DC characters vs the Black Lanterns, although it focuses more on Green Lantern than anyone else. I would probably go read the older stuff on Green Lantern, or even try The New 52 series. It's been done pretty well, unlike most of the other characters in it.
  7. Played Assassins Creed 2 til four in the morning even though I had to wake up at seven. Those few hours I actually slept I dreamed I was playing it, I shit you not.

    I plan on reading Mass Effect Revelation first than move onto graphic novels, storywise, I think that's the right order as well. I really need to familiarize myself with Green Lantern, aside from Batman he's the only DC hero that seems interesting to me. Would you say "Blackest Night" is good way to start?
  8. Nice, ACII is definitely fitting that profile. I would rank it among my favourite games ever made.

    I actually haven't read that, I will definitely have to give that a go. I have heard good things about, so you may have inspired me to go for it haha. I'm currently reading the Mass Effect graphic novels, they are definitely a recommendation. Also I have been reading some Green Lantern 'Blackest Night', which is easily one of the best comic stories ever created. Also been reading the absolute classic 'Dark Knight Returns'.
  9. That's good to hear. My brother bought me a new graphics card, I want to test it out and play something truly good while I'm at it, I'm glad to hear Assassins Creed 2 fits the profile, can't wait to give it a go.

    I'm reading Age of Apocalypse right now, the entire series. It has somewhat strange chapter order at first, though everything fits just fine eventually. It's an interesting take on X-Men universe, so far it's one of the best Marvel comics I ever read and huge recommendation if by any chance you haven't read it yourself. Have you read any comics lately?
  10. You don't lose a lot really. ACII has a short summary of what happened in the 'present day' part of the story of the first game, which is all you need really. Altair's side of the story in the first is pretty lacking to be honest. Plus ACII is miles above the first one, and is the best in the series for me.
  11. In terms of storyline, how much do I lose if I go straight to Assassins Creed 2? I hear the first one is highly repetitive, and was wondering, do I need to go through first one to understand the story of Assassins Creed 2
  12. Easily one of my favourite parts in the game. Absolutely amazing.
  13. Not a bad strategy. I had Oghren, who was useless, myself as the tank, and Morrigan and Wynne as healers and rangers. As I said, it was down to pure luck in the end.

    Just finished it, and the Archdemon was pretty easy. I had my elven army and the ballistas to help. I went for a tank onslaught with me, Alistair and Sten, with Wynne as healer and ranger.
  14. Alistair was my tank and a decoy in that battle along with my own character, a dualwielding elf with high speed and dexterity, while Wynne and Morrigan were in the back casting ofensive and healing magic. I managed to finaly best her after several attempts.

    The final boss was surprisingly easy, Morrigan and my elf army proved to be rather useful in that battle whenever he would run/escape to higher grounds.
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