Conversation Between Fang and Ralz

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm almost there, can't wait to watch the ending of this great game.

    You took the words right out of my mouth about the Challenges, I really can't get in the mood for them ..I am trying to finish the game without any major problems. Simply, by doing the necessary quests at the right difficulty lol
  2. Yep, I loved the ending, although I love all KH endings.

    Fun game, but I dislike the Challenges. Some of them are ridiculous... -_-
  3. Yeah no worries. I'm gonna find out eventually, whether SquareEnix cover it up or not

    Did you beat the game?
  4. Haha. It'll make sense by the end though.
  5. Correct!! Now, Im in 297 day..

    But that girl Xion..No one really knows about her yet. I'm certainly curious to find out.

    Axel: "girls are complicated, got it memorized?" lol
  6. It's one of the best yet!

    I was relieved, too. The original battle system is MUCH better.
  7. Hey Ralz,I finally got it!! it's an awesome game and the writting is amazing.

    Thank god it uses the normal battle system not the card one
  8. Oh, that game... I LOVE it! It's probably one of the best yet. You won't regret it!
  9. I'm just watching cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts Re:Com, to get excited for Days, but I'm already excited for Days! And I got the strategy guide, but I'm trying to exercise self-control and refuse to look at spoilers^^;;
  10. Oh, you're quite welcome. Me, oh I'm fine. Just got home from school, and now I'm just web surfing, how about you?
  11. Thanks for accepting my friend request how are you?
  12. Hey! Glad we can be friends!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 27 of 27
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