Conversation Between xXCloudXx and Unknown Entity

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. I really havent been paying attention to them. lol. At least they have something to talk about. haha. And I am feeling better. Are you still doing well. I hope you are. And i do suppose the question was pretty difficult. It took me almost a week to come up with the right answer whenit was asked to me. It gave me a headache. lol
  2. Don't pay any attention to the people who replied in your thread. They just don't know how to answer it, and responded the way they did.

    It is a very hard question. ^^;;

    How have you been? I hope you're feeling better. =]
  3. Yes, Me too. I'm not to "Spiffy" I guess you could say. haha. This whole sick thing isn't really me. I'm feeling somwhat better though.
  4. Good. ^^
    I hope it very soon.
  5. Yes. On my way I suppose. lol
  6. I guess that is pretty good, because you're well on your way to getting 100% better. =]

    I hope it's soon.
  7. Well I an feeling a bit better. Still I think over over the worst of it though.. So thats good I suppose.
  8. Thanks. I hope so too. =]

    Are you feeling any better then?
  9. I'm sorry you have so much to worry about with your schooling and everything. I hope it all works out for you. I'm ok. I took a few more days off from everything so I could try to get better. Again thanks for the concern.
  10. I've been a lot happier than I've been in a long time. Just slightly nervous about all the work I'm going to have coming my way at college, so I'm making the most of my free time at the moment - it's going to be a long eight months.

    I'm sorry to hear you're still unwell. I sure hope it clears up soon - being sick isn't at all fun. =[
  11. Well I feel about the same={ Not great but I'm ok. Thanks for the concern. So how are you. Still feeling good I hope.
  12. Hey no problem - we all have lives away from here, so I understand. =]

    How're you feeling now? Still feeling sick, or better?
  13. Sorry ididn't message you back when you sent me the last one. I had to get off eh computer and cook. My fiancewas on her way home. I havn't been on in a few day either. Seems like my sickness got to me. I've been bed ridden sence But yes it is wry funny saying that you have it on a bus. I think I would quite enjoy having half the bus to
  14. Yes, there are a lot of scares going on everywhere. Haha, if you get a tiny sniffle, people immediately think you have swine flu and run a mile. It's kinda fun pretending you do on a busy bus, because everyone tries to move away. XD;;
  15. Thank you for the concern. I hope you remain well. lol. People have just been coming down with so much lately that it is kind of scary.
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