Conversation Between Cloud87 and Magi of Worlds

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. How are you doing today buddy?
  2. That's alright and your welcome.
  3. No thanks I'm good thanks for the offer though.
  4. Btw I'm curious about your writing skills. We do something unique here at TFF called RPing. Its kind of like short stories depending on the RP in question. I've got a thread up in Spotlight Theatre for a new one that I'm putting together if your interested.
  5. No I can understand that pretty well. Mine would be a toss up between 7, 8 and 10. I haven't played 6 and I can't possibly ever play 11 since it's online only. I'm not even going to touch 13-2 and 13-3 lol. I think they overdid themselves there and that brings us to 14. Another online only one that I can't play. 15 looks interesting to me though.
  6. It's really hard for me to answer the question because to be honest i kinda love all of them and if you think I'm not a true fan if i don't own every game yet & if i haven't played every FF game yet i fully understand it's really hard to pick my most favorite sorry .
  7. Well I think those are pretty good reasons to join! So which FF is your personal favorite?
  8. That's easy because A I'm a gamer,I'm a otaku & I'm a Final Fan/huge fan and B i thought what heck and make friends hopefully make and meet friends who are older like me & that's a a gamer,a otaku & a Final Fantasy fan/huge fan like me.

    To end it here only person i know of is my dad and he mostly play and love is FFVII & FFX and thanks again for the welcome .
  9. Welcome to TFF! So what brings you to us?
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