Conversation Between Zargabaath and Rhaps

113 Visitor Messages

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  1. RAGE
    I think mine is around 70k, but my friend and I average about 50k when we compete. Do you think the metal version is easier? It feels like it runs slower
  2. I think somewhere in the 90,000.
  3. What's your highest score in Robot Unicorn Attack?
  4. Yeah, there are 4 others (3 male, 1 female). The judge with the biggest role is Gabranth who is the judge represented by the logo of Final Fantasy XII. Then there is Drace, the only female, Bergan, and Ghis.

    I chose Zargabaath because, though he had a minor role, I liked him and his armour is one of the most unique in the game which I liked as well.
  5. So. . . Why did you choose Zargabaath? Haven't played XII myself, but weren't there any other judges? Or is he the best?
  6. You have invoked my gluttony!!!!!! Se7en Deadly Sins, Gluttonous Cuchulainn.
  7. Technically lol I believe there was a thread debate on this subject, the exact definition of RPG. But for the sake of the post as that was my greatest close call I bent the rules a tad. Sorry for invoking your wrath
  8. Is then Devil May Cry a role playing game as well since you take the "role" of Dante?
  9. I read about that lol good luck!
  10. Do it well - yeah there will be learning curve time - and don't lolligag. I had an interview this past thursday with a security company called - Securitas - and that's it from my job hunting adventures.
  11. I got a job! This'll be my first real, qualified part time job. Do you have any advice?
    I'm a hospitality aide at the nursing home where I used to volunteer at. It's the first step towards CNA, the RN, and so on up the medical ladder until I become a neuro-surgeon, my career goal.
  12. Oh right, it seems I always get those mixed. . . sorry lol
  13. Rain is not in Mobile Suit Gundam; Mobile Suit Gundam is the first show in the Gundam setting - Universal Century - that has Amuro Ray, Char Aznable too classic characters in the Gundam universe.

    Rain is in Mobile Fighter G Gundam, more commonly called G Gundam which takes place in the Future Century timeline.
  14. I loved that show! It was the Gundam with the lady named Raine right? I haven't seen it since I was seven or eight
  15. I finished Mobile Suit Gundam and talked to my grandmother. Nothing really happened as I'm not that big into celebrations for my birthday anymore. It was a good day though still. Did play a little of FFVI as well.
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