Conversation Between Cyanist and noxious.sunshine

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  1. So I'm guessing you don't have much time to play games, what with the move and all, right? Bummer.

    Did you watch the President's State of the Union Address?
  2. hahahaha you're def not the first person to say that. It's like the more I try and keep to myself, the more shit happens. It's annoying. I don't go anywhere, I don't really have friends, etc... But there's always something going on. It's mega annoying.

    Haha chamomile tea is soo yummy!! For years, I didn't know what it was called in English.. I just knew it as manzanilla. When I moved back to TN from Phoenix, I'd ask where the manzanilla tea is at the store ('cuz in Phoenix we always bought a Mexican brand that was off in it's own section at the grocery stores_) and people would look at me like I'd lost my mind.

    I'm okay.. We got back to TN on Friday and got him moved into his new rv on Saturday. It's reaaaalllly nice. He bought it brand new and had it shipped down here from Ohio.

    Aside from that, I'm slightly hung over and mega tired. -_-;
  3. O_- oopsers! No that wasn't sarcasm... just a slight case of idiocy... okay, so I temporarily forgot you two had a spat. Sorry about that...
    in my defense, I haven't been getting much sleep lately, my little sister's stupid late night phone calls are killin' me.

    Brothers.... hacked.... oh dear, THAT would be terrible! No, wait, that would be pretty awesome actually. I could blame them for all of the nasty stuff I've ever said. Yeah!

    Whoa.... drama. Does your life EVER slow down? It's like I'm watching an HBO series.

    You poor thing. I've heard chamomile tea is good for stress, it never worked for me, though.

    Honestly? I've been terrible. I've made a resolution to keep the house spotless and it's pretty much running me into the ground. Also, Ive started playing FF-13 on the PS3 while trying to stumble through Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. On the PS2, I've begun Disgaea, Drakengard 2. Oh, and of course, the DragonBall z collectible card game for GameBoy Advance, which I'm doing on the DS, and... I haven't finished Suikoden 2 for the PS-one...
    I'm exhausted... just exhausted... mom is in a really prickly mood too, and 2/3 of my brothers never ever ever help out. It's pretty hectic and I'm working my butt off, but I kinda like the rush - Winning!

    How're you doing?
  4. lmao is that sarcasm? Anyway, it's over and done with. He's a major douchelord and that's it.

    Or your brothers hacked your TFF account ... lol

    Yes. NYC! Actually, 3 days after I sent you that VM, my mom passed away, so instead of going to NYC with my bf, I had to come out to TX with my sister.

    I'm still in Texas with my dad, we're packing up and heading back to Nashville on Friday so that he can be close to my sister and little girl and then I guess in another week or 2, I'll be flying up there. I'm a nervous wreck about it though.. lol

    How've -you- been??
  5. So you're talking to Michael, that guy is super cool, right?

    Really? This message was here since thanksgiving and I wasn't notified? Hmm, I guess there must be some bugs in the system. That, or it's somehow my fault... yeah, no, it was totally a bug.

    Wow! NYC!
  6. roflmao I sent that to you instead of michael.

    Woops!! Sorry about that!

    I spent 6 hrs in the kitchen cooking thanksgiving dinner. The turkey & my mom's oyster dressing came out perfectly but the rest was just kinda "meh". lol The yeast rolls turned out way too dry and weren't good at all. But it was my first time making them, so.. I guess it could've been worse.;p

    We're leaving for NYC on Saturday, though! Sooo nerve-wracking!
  7. I totally get it. I had a similar incident about two years ago when I decided to make a sketch competition in the visual media sub-forum (btw, are you interested in sketching?) and after trying to find other people interested in participating with a few PMs, this caraaaayyyzy lady started accusing me of creating spam! Dude! That kind of freaked me out - heaven forbid I'm not completely loved and appreciated wherever I go...yeah that sounds weird -__-. So THEN I got all antsy ahhhhnd asked a couple mods about it, both of them had varying oppinions, but basically they told me to advertise in my sig image in future, I told the crazy lady that and she responded with a snooty paragraph "well, I'm just glad the moderators took care of this issue." to which I wrote: "I forgive you for making me second-guess myself and also for alienating me so succinctly in that last vm. Well, if you're interested, you can submit some artwork, or not, you could just vote for someone else's work..." and she's like "Yeah, I might get something together!"
    Thereafter, the woman failed to participate in my competition and even quit the forums... Urghhghghg!!!! I still get angry over that trivial garbage...

    Wallace (my middle younger brother) cooks dinner on Fridays, but tonight he made burgers. I feel cheated. but at least he added pickles, so I can't complain. U_U
  8. It wasn't just a "Michael didn't respond to my PM" rant. It wasn't that at all.

    It was the fact that you pretty much attacked me for no reason and insulted my own intelligence over something so completely trivial and stupid. There was no need to have said the things that you said and most certainly no need to have worded it all the way that you did. You took it a little too far. That's all I'm saying. Especially when you basically flat out say "No one wants you here". I'm usually not one to get upset over internet drama.. It's pointless. But that -was- quite upsetting.

    I am allowed to vent "my frustrations" however I want. Just like you are allowed to PM me and say whatever it is you feel the need to say. This was all what... several months ago already? I posted something -1- time in each place. Your name wasn't even mentioned in EoFF.

    I'm over the situation, I just thought you had me blocked. It isn't a big deal. I just didn't know. It was a legitimate question in the thread.
  9. Really? ditto with my parents. Decades later, the house is still stuffed with office junk XP

    I SOOOO didn't break it this time, tho! It was totally a one-armed man... -_-;
    Eh, new computers? too rich for my blood, I'm content with a piece of junk PC, just as long as it has word on it (for my romance novels, journal and the like). I have to borrow my brother's stuff for onlin-ed-nesses, cuz I'm so afraid of viruses infecting my PC, (which is what happened before - that slowed down the computer enough to make another one of my brothers decide to take it apart, which, in effect destroyed it and most of my work *sigh,* whatev, I've forgiven him already).

    AHHHHH!!!! No! You'll be, like the farthest away from California that's possible without leaving the country... Cool that they're paying for everything, though! Military is whoa.

    O.o, I've been watching anime again. Hajime No Ippo is the coolest ever! I love boxing. I don't do it myself, that would be weird.
  10. Uhhhh .. I can't remember now. lol I'm too lazy to look.

    Skewl! Dew it! My mom's done all of the accounting and book keeping and stuff for her and my dad for -years- .. They were considered business owners, though, so they kind of had to.

    lololol stop breaking computers! ..... Or buy your own and hide it? I know, expensive, but netbooks aren't that much!

    Annnnnnd We're moving to NYC .. On the 2nd. Good news is, the Army is paying for the entire move. And to get reimbursed, we -have- to stretch it out to a 3 day trip. He's only allowed to drive up to 350 miles a day, so they'll pay for the motels, gas, food, etc. He gets out this coming Wednesday & our roommate will be home from Afghanistan then, too. Busy busy busy!
  11. Eh, my brother's computer broke again, that's why this reply is late =_=; sooo not cool. Good news: the new hard-drive should last him a while >_>

    Hahahah, a warning? Seriously!?! So, which mod dished it out?

    Welp, it looks like my dear ma wants me to go back to school - a book-keeping class... yeah, like I really need to be any MORE of a sidekick! *sigh* whatever... at least it'll get me out of the house.
  12. Oh you know.. Just gettin' warnings and stuff! lololol

    (Seriously, I got another one awhile ago.)

    I made smoked pulled pork in the oven. And it was awesome. I'm so proud of myself. XD

    Silly sweet stuff! I love pumpkin pie w cream cheese though. om nom nom nom.
  13. Hello, I'm back again. Agh, still recovering from a nasty pumpkin pie I made last night. That thing was criminally sweet - Stupid recipe.

    sooo, whatcha been up to lately?
  14. I forgive you for not responding, but only because you suggested some movies Jem, huh? I'll check it out!
  15. XDD Sorry. I've been too lazy to respond to much of anything anywhere on here.

    It drives me insane though, wasting food lol.. My dad is really bad about it.. His mom was strict about leftovers - she would cook and would not cook again until everything had been eaten. So. He'll snack around on whatever my mom cooks like after dinner as a late night snack and -maybe- some the next day, but beyond that, no way. My mom winds up throwing out a lot if she doesn't feed the people over in the shop or finish it off herself. It's kind of hard for her to just cook for 2 people even though none of us kids have lived with them full-time since like 1996.

    Netflix has been completely awesome lately! I'm watching Glee from the beginning right now, but the old Goosebumps t.v. show is on there and the Babysitters Club and The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy and and and all kinds of other stuff! I got Jay into Billy & Mandy. We cracked up for houuuurs.. Oh! And Jem! Jem is on Netflix! *dies* My sister and I used to loooooove Jem.

    Tonight, I am not doing much cooking. A couple of my bf's friends/soldiers/whatever are coming over and bringing a beer pong table so we're gonna play beer pong. WooHoo!

    I'm also thinking about getting a spray tan, but I'll probably do it in the morning 'cuz there's a place that does them for just $12 if you go in before 11 a.m. - otherwise it's $25.

    Jay's gonna be gone in the field next week for like a month. or well. Not a whole month. He'll be gone for 3 days, then home for 3 days. Should be interesting.
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