Conversation Between DragonHeart and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

56 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey DragonHeart How Are You? Oooohh, BTW, I Pretty Much Just Answered The Question Of Who Does The Voices Of The Playable Characters Of FFXIII, Just So You Know...You Can See Them On My Post Before Yours...LOL
  2. I Am Very Good, And Very Much Happy, Especially This Week For 2 Maybe 3 Reasons (=^_^=)
  3. I'm all right, just a bit busy these days. Have an apartment to tend to and all that. How are you?
  4. Hey DH (=^_^=) How Have You Been? PWEASE TALK TO ME!!!(LOL)
  5. LOL Anyway, Now That we Both Here, What Would you like to talk about? I'm a Really Good Listener, So, I'm All Ears
  6. Um, Losing Sleep Can Kill Someone, maybe not the person who lost sleep, but someone else, because of the person who lost sleep...XD
  7. I did mention what I was up to in my previous message, didn't want to repeat myself. XD

    I am well this morning, a bit tired cause I woke up early but eh, that's life. Losing a little sleep never killed anyone.
  8. Guessing Same Old Same Old As Usual? Oh Well. How are you this morning?
  9. Anything new? Or Just Same Old Same Old As Always?
  10. Hehe I Know The Feeling, I Got School Now That The Holidays are Over, But That means A Little More Activeness on this site...LOL
  11. Thank you, you also. Just been up to the usual stuff really, working and all that. Now that the holidays are over things have quieted down. Back to the normal routine, more or less.
  12. Also Wondering how you've been, Cause its been a while Since I last Heard From You.

    I Hope That Everythings been good so far, and will keep being good for years to come
  13. Hey DragonHeart(=^_^=) Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year
  14. Hey DragonHeart How was your Weekend?
  15. You sent the message that was for me, to yourself instead...LOL Anyway, I'm good, How Was Your Weekend?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 56
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