Conversation Between loaf and Hyzenthlay

77 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't really, no. Most of the people I used to talk to on there are all grown up and not using the internetz to chat as much. I guess the same can be said of me. I drop on there from time to time though. I can't stand Skype which drives me away quite a bit. I hated using it for WoW and now I'm being forced to use it and forced to use Outlook as well.

    I'm guessing you don't go on much either as you've just said you'll check who goes on.
  2. Aimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee do you still go on MSN? Because nobody goes on that anymore lol. I go on to see if anyone signs on.
  3. No it's not out of this world. I can't come up with something like that. I just cut it way short like I used to. Everybody seems to compliment me more when I have this style.
  4. LMAO. You got a haircut? What's it like? Is it out of this world?

    Yeah, I tend to just work, play games and read these days. Maybe I should get myself a new hobby. I've heard I'd be horrible at skiing so I may defy these naysayers and do that.
  5. Graduation, looking for work. Trying to figure out what to do. Usual Post Graduation stuff. I got a haircut recently! What has been taking up your time lately.
  6. Yeah but it's all a bit weird for me. I couldn't find some things for ages and ages. I think I got it down now.

    How have you been, anyways?
  7. Just think of Facebook! It's practically just like that almost.
  8. Ha ha. Yep! HI! I'm online and trying to figure out this new layout. XD
  9. OMG YOU'RE ONLINE omgomgomgomg
  10. Most of my friends moved out of the state. I have lots of friends, just not a lot of them are the ones I hang out with or even want to hang out with lol.
  11. I sleep where I land most days. I'm like a toddler.

    New friends? Just recycle the old ones. Make 'em hang out more!

    My friends are all students so I couldn't stop them partying. Not even if I had a dog poop firing bazooka.
  12. Just not many people to do anything with. Everyone is working and then being lazy at home. I guess I just need new people to hang out with. I'm always tired but I'm always awake lol. Guess I'll pay for that in 20 years.
  13. Yeah, I mess around most of the time that I'm not working. Why can't you?

    Tiredness seems to be my routine this week. Bah.
  14. omg I'm tired too haha but once I got home I was like half as tired. I wish I could go mess around. I'm just playing my 360 whenever.
  15. Nothin'. I'm still just as I was. I work all the time. Game waaaaay too much and generally mess around. You? So tired right now. Stupid work.
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