Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and Pete

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah. I'm alot better now. My cheek hurts like a b*tch. But it has gone down quite a bit Thanks for the friend request, it's good to have you aboard. You make good choices. Hahaha.
  2. Oh it wasn't so bad. I was only born with 3 wisdom teeth, oddly enough, and my dentist told me they all had to come out. I went to the surgeon, they put a needle in my arm, and an hour later I was awake with a mouth full of bloody gauze. They gave me a bottle full of happy pills and I played FF7 for a day. Then my mom got me a milkshake lol. I went back to soft food after a day or two. You'll be alright, but your cheek will probably be all puffed up! I looked like a chipmunk for a week!
  3. Omg ouch! That sounds so painful. You must be very brave. I am a baby, I don't like pain. I'm getting some pain now and my ear hurts. Did you only get one milkshake?! I hope you got like a million milkshakes, for getting 3 out at once. I've been drinking these supplement milkshake things. Can't bring myself to eat just yet.
  4. Thats good to hear! I had 3 taken out at once, and I couldn't really move my jaw for the rest of the day... I did get a milkshake though!
  5. My face is more swollen today, than it was yesterday. But I actually feel better. The bleeding has stopped, which I am very happy about. I only got 1 tooth out, I don't think I could handle getting them all out at once. Thanks for asking!
  6. How're you feeling after the ole wisdom teeth got pulled?
  7. Why thank you! I like it too Nikki is also a pretty good name too, if I don't say so myself.
  8. Hello Pete! Pete is a good name. I like it.
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