Conversation Between FeyLenne13 and Yoko

112 Visitor Messages

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  1. are things bad?
  2. I've been alright. Surviving. As usual. I just wish things would get better.
  3. Doing good. Just about to put the finishing battle on my novel so I'm super excited. How are you?
  4. I'm good How are you?
  5. How ya doing?
  6. You're fine hon. I know you'll get back to me when you can thanks for the bday wishes. I really appreciated it
  7. Happy Birthday Missy I hope all is well.
  8. LOL I would like to see it.

    You know? I'm really sorry for not getting back to you. I had a rough week and forgot that you had sent me a message. I've been better, but it's a mental issue I need to deal with.
  9. I saw an awesome pic of Lightning the other day. Now if only I could remember where I saw it
  10. I've been down some myself but the coming autumn is cheering me some. I've been doing a lot of research on Salem, Massachusetts for a story so my head is full of witchcraft trials details. Lol I spend a lot of time writing and researching. How about you?
  11. I'm alright. Been through a lot of downs in the past week. Now it's a matter of getting back on my feet.

    What have you been up to?
  12. Doing okay. You? And I must agree, she is awesome!
  13. Thank you!!! She so awesome.

    How are you?
  14. I love your background!
  15. doing two novels, wedding favors, and research is a wearing out task lol my brain hurts from all the information I downloaded today!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 112
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